#Funfact: A Satellite Reciever that can just crack the #BISS-encrypted feed of the event is a one-time expense...
But that's #NotLegalAdvice and not #LifeAdvice, because that would be considered a felony in my juristiction, so make of that what you will...
Same goes for #AFN-TV...
#afn #lifeadvice #notlegaladvice #BiSS #funfact
@mattgrayyes Interesting.
Didn't knew BBC had #5G bands reserved.
Most broadcasters usually choose to just make a #Satellite feed with #BISS(-E) or just have broadband setup beforehand...
RT @MISprachbildung@twitter.com
1 Keynote, 10 Workshops – weiter geht es mit der #BiSS-Transfer-Jahrestagung. Heute Vormittag erklärt Prof. Dr. Michael Krelle @TUChemnitz@twitter.com, wie #Lehrkräfte #Unterrichtskommunikation #sprachsensibel gestalten können. https://www.biss-sprachbildung.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/website-biss-transfer-flyer-jt22.pdf @dipf_aktuell@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MISprachbildung/status/1594963743431163906
#BiSS #lehrkrafte #unterrichtskommunikation #sprachsensibel