How do matters get brought to the #Mastodon board?
Is there a process anyone can link me to? Or do I start a petition?
As I am going to assume in good faith that the lack of inclusion of #BiPhobia is an over sight rather then active #BiSexualErasure.
So please @Gargron include us & offer us the same protections.
Please Boost if you agree.
#mastodon #biphobia #BiSexualErasure
Also @Gargron did you know the most common type of #BiPhobia is #BiSexual Erasure?
It has many forms but one of them is:
'Leaving out the bisexual community in LGBTQ+ advocacy'.
By not including #BiPhobia in the template, it is an act of #BiSexualErasure, which means the template is unfortunately #BiPhobic.
#BiSexuals & #GenX are frequently 'forgotten' about, being both is certainly an experience.
#biphobia #bisexual #BiSexualErasure #BiPhobic #BiSexuals #genx