Am Welttag der humanitären Hilfe empfehlen wir #WerkstattGeschichte 68/2015 "#humanitarismus" zur Lektüre; im Thementeil, hg. von Maria Framke & @joelglasman, Beiträge zu osmanischer Hilfe für #Irland um 1850 (Semih Çelik), #RotesKreuz & Rotes Swastika in #China (Alexandra Pfeiff), @CAREGlobal im #Ägypten der 1950er (Heike Wieters) & zu Mitleid mit #Biafra in der #BRD (@florian_hannig)
#werkstattgeschichte #humanitarismus #irland #roteskreuz #china #agypten #Biafra #brd #worldhumanitarianday #humanitarianism #histodons
#SwearyHistory #Nigeria #Biafra
“Few know much about the Nigerian Civil War; even many Nigerians prefer to forget it. While the world was focused on Vietnam, Biafra seceded from Nigeria, launching a war that lasted almost three years and led to millions of deaths, most of which were children.
--On This Day in History, Shit Went Down: May 30, 1967--“
this link goes to an article that includes an audio version link
#swearyhistory #nigeria #Biafra
Who has a favorite #composer? It's a tough call for me, but lately my #mood has been like this:
#Classical: #Saint-Saëns
#Modern classical: #Villa-Lobos
Modern #instrumental: #Jarré
#Classic #pop: #Prince
Elderly #punk: #Biafra (Well, the DK are more #timeless than elderly)
The #list goes on, but it's a slippery, fluid little thing. Even now, I'm starting to hanker more for #Tomita than Jarré.
#composer #mood #classical #saint #modern #villa #instrumental #jarre #classic #pop #prince #punk #Biafra #timeless #List #tomita
Half of a Yellow Sun (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) – A wonderful exploration into the period around #Biafra's brief revolutionary independence from #Nigeria and its subsequent collapse and the violence surrounding it. It focuses on the legacy of #colonialism and ethnic ties in the face of romance.
#Biafra #nigeria #colonialism #BookToot #bookstodon #books
Later Igbo land suffered from a horrendous war between independent #Biafra state and Nigerian federal power jealous to regain control. The tragedy is still imprinted in culture.
Yet #Igbo people are not bent. They rebounded from the genocide and currently are present throughout Nigeria trading, selling, doing business and being plucky self-sufficient people.
That spirit, and a mixture of rolling flowing street Igbo language, creatively ping ponging to Pidgin English is #MrRaw rap.
His protege in #CôtedIvoire, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, is the man who actually coined the term "françafrique"; of course, he meant it positively (as a beneficiary of the policy). Foccart supported opponents of Sékou Touré's #Guinea & backed the #CIA tool Mobutu Sese Seko in #Congo-Kinshasa, where Patrice Lumumba was famously assassinated. In Congo #Brazzaville, which welcomed leftists & marxists from all over Africa, he planted as many french spies as he could to undermine anti-oppressive work. He also supported #Biafra's war to secede from #Nigeria in an attempt to get france access to the oil of the Niger Delta.
Foccart was also a key figure in french domestic politics, running domestic intelligence operations, manipulating elections, & spying on other government officials. While some "progressive" french heads of state officially shunned him, though, they made use of the imperial institutions he'd built & continued his genocidal approach to Africa. Jacques Chirac welcomed him back for a victory lap in the 1990s. Foccart died rich with the institutions he set up pretty much running as intended. A real piece of shit.
#CôtedIvoire #guinea #cia #congo #brazzaville #Biafra #nigeria