Am Welttag der humanitären Hilfe empfehlen wir 68/2015 "" zur Lektüre; im Thementeil, hg. von Maria Framke & @joelglasman, Beiträge zu osmanischer Hilfe für um 1850 (Semih Çelik), & Rotes Swastika in (Alexandra Pfeiff), @CAREGlobal im der 1950er (Heike Wieters) & zu Mitleid mit in der (@florian_hannig)

@histodons @historikerinnen

#werkstattgeschichte #humanitarismus #irland #roteskreuz #china #agypten #Biafra #brd #worldhumanitarianday #humanitarianism #histodons

Last updated 1 year ago

Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
654 followers · 4695 posts · Server

“Few know much about the Nigerian Civil War; even many Nigerians prefer to forget it. While the world was focused on Vietnam, Biafra seceded from Nigeria, launching a war that lasted almost three years and led to millions of deaths, most of which were children.

--On This Day in History, Shit Went Down: May 30, 1967--“

this link goes to an article that includes an audio version link

#swearyhistory #nigeria #Biafra

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan · @JonathanMBR
3073 followers · 9036 posts · Server

@Syphilia @VENANDA @els76uk
Igbo are an ethnic group in a state in Niger delta rich in oil trying to secede from federal Nigeria since 1960s calling it Republic of


Last updated 2 years ago

Wif Stenger · @wifsten
153 followers · 530 posts · Server
Spicy but not too Flamey · @PopTarts
20 followers · 421 posts · Server

Who has a favorite ? It's a tough call for me, but lately my has been like this:

: -Saëns
classical: -Lobos
Modern :
Elderly : (Well, the DK are more than elderly)

The goes on, but it's a slippery, fluid little thing. Even now, I'm starting to hanker more for than Jarré.

#composer #mood #classical #saint #modern #villa #instrumental #jarre #classic #pop #prince #punk #Biafra #timeless #List #tomita

Last updated 2 years ago

Half of a Yellow Sun (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) – A wonderful exploration into the period around 's brief revolutionary independence from and its subsequent collapse and the violence surrounding it. It focuses on the legacy of and ethnic ties in the face of romance.

#Biafra #nigeria #colonialism #BookToot #bookstodon #books

Last updated 2 years ago


Later Igbo land suffered from a horrendous war between independent state and Nigerian federal power jealous to regain control. The tragedy is still imprinted in culture.

Yet people are not bent. They rebounded from the genocide and currently are present throughout Nigeria trading, selling, doing business and being plucky self-sufficient people.

That spirit, and a mixture of rolling flowing street Igbo language, creatively ping ponging to Pidgin English is rap.

#MrRaw #Igbo #Biafra

Last updated 2 years ago

kontent kremators · @noyovo
268 followers · 9814 posts · Server

His protege in , Félix Houphouët-Boigny, is the man who actually coined the term "françafrique"; of course, he meant it positively (as a beneficiary of the policy). Foccart supported opponents of Sékou Touré's & backed the tool Mobutu Sese Seko in -Kinshasa, where Patrice Lumumba was famously assassinated. In Congo , which welcomed leftists & marxists from all over Africa, he planted as many french spies as he could to undermine anti-oppressive work. He also supported 's war to secede from in an attempt to get france access to the oil of the Niger Delta.

Foccart was also a key figure in french domestic politics, running domestic intelligence operations, manipulating elections, & spying on other government officials. While some "progressive" french heads of state officially shunned him, though, they made use of the imperial institutions he'd built & continued his genocidal approach to Africa. Jacques Chirac welcomed him back for a victory lap in the 1990s. Foccart died rich with the institutions he set up pretty much running as intended. A real piece of shit.


#CôtedIvoire #guinea #cia #congo #brazzaville #Biafra #nigeria

Last updated 4 years ago