@Prof_Meowmers My top 3 books by #ActuallyAutistic authors for those seeking clarity on whether they are #Autistic are:
1. Ten Steps to Nanette by #HannahGadsby
2. But You Don’t Look Autistic At All by #BiancaToeps
3. A Kind Of Spark by #ElleMcNicoll
My favourite is Hannah’s book, she goes into such minute detail about her Autistic experiences; everyone at the #Autistic BookClub loved it!
Also ‘A Kind Of Spark’ is brilliant, a condensed ‘What it feels like’ to be Autistic 🎯
#actuallyautistic #autistic #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps #ElleMcNicoll
@Fullnihilism @bethan @actuallyautistic @bookstodon Yes, I did read it years ago tbh and I didn't relate at all, but that's just me... I find #AutisticAuthors such as #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps and ElleMcNicoll to be much more relatable, I can see myself in their writing, I couldn't in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
#ActuallyAutistic #AutisticRepresentation
#AutisticAuthors #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps #actuallyautistic #AutisticRepresentation
5 books I'd recommend:
1. A Kind of Spark, #ElleMcNicoll - A book about difference & neurodivergence, brilliant!
2. Ten Steps to Nanette, #HannahGadsby - A searing autobiography of an #ActuallyAutistic woman.
3. But You Don't Look Autistic At All, #BiancaToeps The DSM criteria for #Autism from an #Autistic POV
4. A Man Called Ove, #FredrikBackman Emotional; #trauma & #neurodivergence.
5. Klara & The Sun, #KazuoIshiguro What does it mean to be human?
#ElleMcNicoll #HannahGadsby #actuallyautistic #BiancaToeps #autism #autistic #fredrikbackman #trauma #neurodivergence #KazuoIshiguro