This is not a brand-new idea. But it makes more sense than ever now.
Here's an idea: Set up football-only college conferences via @YahooSports #CollegeFootball #ncaa #football #CollegeSports #SEC #ACC #Pac12 #B1G #Big12 #basketball
#basketball #Big12 #B1G #PAC12 #acc #sec #collegesports #football #ncaa #collegefootball
Canzano-Wilner podcast before #PAC12 media days: The conference has some breathing room to get a better deal than #Big12
Canzano-Wilner podcast after #ColoradoBuffs leave: The PAC-12 needs to act within a week and show a number that is sufficient to hold the conference together.
Canzano-Wilner podcast on the eve before an expected ASU-UA departure announcement: Trust is needed to hold the PAC-12 together.
:thinkerguns: 🤣
We started the week with uncertainty about #ArizonaWildcats, but now everyone is saying the fate of the #PAC12 will be decided by Friday.
- #Big12 mtg to extend invite to #ASU and Arizona (maybe #UtahUtes, too)
- ASU now ready to agree to go along with Arizona's expected move to Big-12
- #B1G has set up exploration of adding #OregonDucks and #WashingtonHuskies
- Oregon still open to Big-12
- Washington has stopped talking w/ Big-12
- #GK talked to #MWC re merger if the PAC-12 loses more schools
#mwc #gk #washingtonhuskies #oregonducks #B1G #utahutes #asu #Big12 #PAC12 #arizonawildcats
Read MHver3 for #PAC12 update on term sheet that's going to be presented tomorrow.
Very detailed. Basically, as was expected, is $20M per school, all-in on Apple, 100% streaming. $20M includes production costs.
Is that good enough to hold #ArizonaWildcats? Doubtful. The (linear) exposure simply does not compare to #Big12.
#Big12 #arizonawildcats #PAC12
Understand, he brought this unto himself.
People are trolling him hard because whenever someone presented background information that #ColoradoBuffs and other #PAC12 schools were talking to the #Big12, he went to his league sources to discount those stories.
On top of that, he implied those folks are not trustworthy.
So, when proven that his sources were wrong, he defended himself by saying that it was his duty to report what he heard.
So of course he's being trolled by a lot of people.
Surprising no one, the moment #Big12 commish BY announced they would seek at most 3 more for expansion, the mad dash was on.
If #OregonDucks and #WashingtonHuskies move to Big-12, it's temporary as they covet #B1G.
But I still think TP and B1G move to grab the Ducks and Huskies.
I really think the PAC-12 will dissolve before Week 0 of college football. All it takes is one more defection.
#B1G #washingtonhuskies #oregonducks #Big12
Listened to Canzano and Wilner. Canzano said he had a duty to report what he was told (as a defense for getting it wrong). That's the first time I've heard him admit that he's little more than a mouthpiece for the #PAC12.
They did not acknowledge that the CEO group rejected GK's request to immediately seek expansion.
They still think GK has $ w/in the ballpark (or better) than the #Big12. Makes no sense. The only logical explanation for waiting is $ was never w/in range of Big-12.
#Big12 will seek out further additions from #PAC12 to even out to either 14 or 16 teams. If no one else jumps, they'll invite #UConn and call it good for now.
#ORDucks and #UWHuskies both talked to Big-12.
Do not give weight to B1G commish saying B1G not looking to expand; they were waiting for Big-12 to poach PAC-12 and cause a mad dash.
OR/WA get higher payout from B1G; they're prioritizing B1G. Talk w/ Big-12 is backup plan.
#uwhuskies #orducks #uconn #PAC12 #Big12
The voices of the #ColoradoBuff regents were equally full of regret of having to leave the #PAC12 and full of hope of the future in the #Big12.
Unanimously voted to leave the PAC-12.
It's happening. #ColoradoBuffs are leaving #PAC12 for the #Big12 in 2024.
#Wilner and #Canzano were wrong.
Can the PAC-12 survive? Not likely. Media rights end after 2023 season, removing any monetary penalty for moving for 2024 season.
I'm betting Oregon, Washington, Stanford and Cal to Big-10. The rest will end up in the Big-12 if allowed.
#canzano #wilner #Big12 #PAC12 #coloradobuffs
Split realities. John Canzano and Jon Wilner pretending like nothing's happening today in the world of #PAC12, while the rest of the college sports media is focused directly at a Colorado board of regents executive session meeting that many believe is the formality to the Buffs rejoining the #Big12.
In light of what's being reported the last several days on the #ColoradoBuffs - to - #Big12 story, I think it's pretty clear that GK and certain ADs/ school presidents have been playing Jon Wilner and John Canzano.
Wilner sort of hinted that he might have been fooled by GK the other week.
Again, it can't be that GK has the rough outlines of a workable deal -- it's been this way for two months even as we find out he's still shopping.
RT @RoccoMiller8
Iowa State and Green Bay will open the 2023-24 season on November 6th at Hilton Coliseum.
The game will serve as the head coaching debut for Green Bay's Sundance "Sunny" Wicks.
March madness is washing over the #PAC12, though not the kind of #Marchmadness you'd expect.
Nothing may come from all this. These are schools looking for fallback options once someone knocks down the first domino.
Everyone knows if a conference has to tell everyone that they're united, it means they're not united. Looks like PAC12 is looking for an ESPN/Amazon/Apple partnership, though ESPN is meh on it.
GK = George Kliavkoff, commish of PAC12 and BY = Brett Yormark commish of #Big12