RT @EcologyAction@twitter.com
Today the Nova Scotia government announced that it will increase the burning of forest biomass over the next three years, falsely labeling it as a renewable, clean option for electricity generation.
Biomass is NOT a climate solution.
#Biomass #BigBadBiomass #FalseClimateSolution
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EcologyAction/status/1604937112477765632
#biomass #BigBadBiomass #falseclimatesolution
RT @PracowniaBystra: Large scale #biomass is bad for biodiversity, climate and people 🌍❌‼️ We need every government, company and bank to go #BeyondBurning - this includes the @EBRD. 56 groups told the bank to stop financing #BigBadBiomass as well as #FossilFuels: https://www.biofuelwatch.org.uk/2022/ebrd-joint-submission/ 🔥🌳
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JaninaOchojska/status/1599039266285551616
#biomass #BeyondBurning #BigBadBiomass #FossilFuels
RT @ja_ballen: Heute war ich beim @BMWK, um mit @MilanLoose & Michaela Kruse Staatssekretär Stefan Wenzel einen offenen Brief zu übergeben. Er muss als Minister im EU Rat klare Kante zeigen gegen Anreizsysteme zur Holzverbrennung.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1583398137007591429
#BigBadBiomass #StopFakeRenewables #Energiewende
RT @robin_wood
🔈HAPPENING TODAY: 21st of October marks the #InternationalDayofAction aimed to expose the impacts of #BigBadBiomass🌳. Don’t Let Our Future Go Up in Smoke! We and our burning tree stand at the @BMWK in Germany & demand a clear position from Minister #Habeck.
#StopFakeRenewables #habeck #BigBadBiomass #InternationalDayofAction
RT @robin_wood
Schaut euch an, wie unsere Zukunft in Deutschland nicht aussehen darf: das monströse Kraftwerk #Drax in Großbritannien verfeuert ganze wertvolle Wälder aus Kanada.
#Klimakrise https://twitter.com/biofuelwatch/status/1576899195055005696
#klimakrise #energiewende #BigBadBiomass #StopFakeRenewables #Drax
RT @robin_wood: Wir kritisieren mit @Umwelthilfe,
@NABU_de & @biofuelwatch die Pläne des #Lausitz|er Braunkohleunternehmens @LEAG_de künftig Holzbiomasse zu verbrennen! Das ist klima-, arten- & gesundheitsschädlich!
#StopFakeRenewables #BigBadBiomass #Klimakrise
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1575121319443709955
#Lausitz #StopFakeRenewables #BigBadBiomass #Klimakrise