RPG night at the local game café is a bit short of GMs so I'm gonna offer to run some one shots (which I have not written). Definitely got a good time travel paradox D&D adventure sketched out and an Alien RPG game plotted, but not sure what else I should have up my sleeve. So great to be running games again, especially since it now looks like I can't go to #bigbadcon
I'm 90% ready for #GamesOnDemand at #BigBadCon
I'm offering two #ttrpg sessions, each featuring either #PsiRun or #FateRPG
What are you playing / running?
#gamesondemand #BigBadCon #ttrpg #PsiRun #faterpg
#BigBadCon event signups were overnight for me (living 5,000 miles away is an inconvenience on that front), so it looks like I missed out on the events that I wanted. And the Daemonologie game I'm running still has a lot of spaces. Maybe I should reduce the run time to 4 hours?
Are you headed to #BigBadCon?
Do you sometimes encounter encumbrance issues while dungeon-crawling?
Don't miss the opportunity to banish encumbrance with the excellent @BeeZelda!
I'm flying from London to go to #bigbadcon but someone must be travelling further. Let me know who's going full Around the World in 80 days to get there.
I need to write my Alien game for #bigbadcon and it's really unhelpful that I just sketched out ideas for a Star Trek game, 2 D&D campaigns and a DIE game. This is not what I need to be focusing on, brain, get it together.
Who do I know who's going to Big Bad Con? #ttrpg #BigBadCon #BigBadCon23
#ttrpg #BigBadCon #bigbadcon23
Just got confirmation that I'm scheduled to run Games on Demand at Big Bad Con on Friday and Saturday evenings! I'll be offering Royal Blood and Trophy Dark -- excited to see what gets chosen!
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgConvention #BigBadCon #BigBadCon23 #BigBadCon2023 #RoyalBloodRPG #TrophyRPG #TrophyDark
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgconvention #BigBadCon #bigbadcon23 #bigbadcon2023 #royalbloodrpg #trophyrpg #TrophyDark
Got almost everything lined up for #BigBadCon!
Con badge, flights, hotel and submissions!
First time to this con. I'm running two sessions with #GamesonDemand:
- The H.A.D.E.S. Project (Psi*Run) #superheroes
- Escape from The Hive (#FateRPG) #scifi #pulp
- A Wish Gone Wrong (Fate #ttrpg) #zany
Now, time to print handouts!
Looking forward to meet folks, attend panels, and play a few other #ttrpgs !
#BigBadCon #gamesondemand #superheroes #faterpg #scifi #pulp #ttrpg #zany #ttrpgs
138: March Itch Games Round-up
It's in April because of the wibblywobbly nature of time.
#indierpgnewsletter #indierpg #ttrpg #BigBadCon
Just came out of #BigBadCon online’s excellent Kickstarter panel and (following their advice), I want to give a shout out to our Kickstarter. Come join us in 3 menacing, enchanting Cypher adventures
#BigBadCon #ttrpg #cypher #adventures #kickstarter #crowdfunding
We’re on the Rook and Rasp Discord watching BigBadCon Twitch channel for their panels. Some good stuff gonna air this weekend. I’d definitely recommend it! #ttrpg #BigBadCon
Have a question about how #BigBadCon is put on? Want to congratulate Elise Rezendes on winning the the Big Bad Morgan Ellis Award? Join Mariam Ahmad, Nathan Black, Gina Ricker, Morgan Nuncio, and Elise Rezendes for the Big Bad AMA at 9:10pm tonight!
#BigBadCon is one of the few out there with a genuine focus on diversity and inclusion. That is also a passion of mine in the gaming space, and I’m so excited to share my experiences to encourage others. You don’t have to start perfect, you just haberdashery to start! - Calamity, #BigBadOnline 2023 Speaker
So I have my new #DnD character. Brandyr Skald, a Genasi Oath of Knowledge Paladin played by Alexander Siddig (circa 1994).
Still trying to work out what to make of the claustrophobic Dwarf idea that I had back at #bigbadcon in San Francisco. I think he's going to be a druid but I just can't pin him down in my mind. Except that he's older. Late middle age.
@colinaut I just read that you offered to run #ParisGondo at #BigBadCon's Games on Demand.
Did you have any takers? 😊
I'm listing the conventions where the game was played.
@RavensridgePress @rivetgeek also yeah running a game with a new diverse group is magical! It’s something #BigBadCon excels at since that con attracts such a wide ranging crowd! I always come away from the table with a sense of “wow that was amazing” every time. And I usually run games at Big Bad Con where players have input into the world creation as it makes it more interesting, due to the diversity there. I recommend you check out the con if you have a chance. https://www.bigbadcon.com/
When I went to #BigBadCon a few years back I took a dollar store party platter with me to hold dice for #CortexPrime. Is there something purpose-made for this out there or should I just go to Dollar Tree again?
I'm open to pretty much anything.
*Inspired by reading Thud by Terry Pratchett while at #BigBadCon