RT @Arawa_fr
📢 Visionnez notre intervention 🧑🏫 au #BigBlueButtonWorld 2022 : "Réduisez votre facture💶 d'hébergement #BigBlueButton📉 avec l'orchestrateur #DivimS" par Thierry Kauffmann🎙️, #SysAdmin chez Arawa. #BBB #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource #SouverainetéNumérique
#BigBlueButtonWorld #bigbluebutton #DivimS #sysadmin #bbb #logicielslibres #opensource #souveraineténumérique
📢 Visionnez notre intervention 🧑🏫 au #BigBlueButtonWorld 2022 : "Réduisez votre facture💶 d'hébergement #BigBlueButton📉 avec l'orchestrateur #DivimS" par Thierry Kauffmann🎙️, #SysAdmin chez Arawa. #BBB #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource #SouverainetéNumérique
#souveraineténumérique #opensource #logicielslibres #bbb #sysadmin #DivimS #bigbluebutton #BigBlueButtonWorld
RT @ernstschreier@twitter.com
Für die #eduBW- und #moodle-Bubble des #twlz hier der Link zur Session auf der #BigBlueButtonWorld Konferenz, auf der Andi Mundt vorstellt, wie drei Kollegen die #BBB-Infrastruktur für ganz #BW hochzogen: https://youtu.be/5QnOfzeSIsY?t=18359 #opensource works! 🙏Dank euch! 🙏 #openedu #linux https://twitter.com/bigbluebutton/status/1407401780581896199
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ernstschreier/status/1407467512518877189
#edubw #moodle #twlz #BigBlueButtonWorld #bbb #bw #opensource #openedu #linux
Looking forward to the next days of #BigBlueButtonWorld, the main event related to BigBlueButton, the open source online platform for teachers and video calls.
Full agenda: http://bigbluebutton.org/event-page/
RT @RainbowDerpyYaY@twitter.com
Interesting survey result of videoconferencing solutions used in universities in Germany during Covid19. (Slide was shown during the currently ongoing @bigbluebutton@twitter.com world conference 2021) #BigBlueButtonWorld #bigbluebutton #twlz #ZOOM #zoomclass #webex #MSTeams
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RainbowDerpyYaY/status/1407388767518867457
#BigBlueButtonWorld #bigbluebutton #twlz #zoom #zoomclass #webex #msteams
RT @bigbluebutton@twitter.com
Day 1 of #BigBlueButtonWorld is all about teachers - the people we designed our product for. Click the link below to sign up and engage with teachers, professors, and folks directly involved in online teaching and learning. #edtech #elearning
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bigbluebutton/status/1405692386647359491
#BigBlueButtonWorld #edtech #elearning
RT @bigbluebutton@twitter.com
On June 22nd, IT professional Malte Dreyer will speak at #BigBlueButtonWorld about his experience using and deploying BigBlueButton at scale to support online learning in Germany.
#edtech #elearning
Register for free here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bigbluebutton-world-2021-tickets-154837321597?fbclid=IwAR1FX6y46eyxqYwND0T8UfxgUZXmQBCs3eWib5Ww1WPQmv1oYVAkC_qECB8
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bigbluebutton/status/1403096403367301124
#BigBlueButtonWorld #edtech #elearning