WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years! #obama #tuckercarlson #gay #wayneroot #bigmike
#obama #TuckerCarlson #gay #WayneRoot #BigMike
Michael Lavaughn Robinson #Obama’s ‘Heart Breaks’ for Students Who Will Never Have the Chance to be Judged on #Race, Not Merit - #bigmike #floppymike -
#obama #race #BigMike #FloppyMike
#BigMike #FloppyMike #2a #2ashallnotbeinfringed
Michael Lavaughn Robinson #Obama Slams #SecondAmendment
#secondamendment #obama #2ashallnotbeinfringed #2A #FloppyMike #BigMike
Hiding his Big Stick with a BIGGER STICK
Video: Roger Stone Predicts that #JoeBiden will NOT finish his term! The #2024 #Democrat Ticket will be Michael Lavaghn Robinson #Obama for #POTUS and #GavinNewson for #VPOTUS - #BigMike #FloppyMike -
#FloppyMike #BigMike #VPOTUS #GavinNewson #potus #obama #Democrat #JoeBiden
Photo of the Day - #BigMike #FloppyMike #DragQueen - Modern #Sodom & #Gomorrah
#Gomorrah #Sodom #DragQueen #FloppyMike #BigMike
#DonaldTrump Ban on #Twitter Came After #MichelleObama aka Michael LaVaughn Robinson #Obama Demanded Removal - #BigMike #FloppyMike
#FloppyMike #BigMike #obama #MichelleObama #Twitter #donaldtrump
PHOTO: #JoeBiden #Obama #BigMike #FloppyMike
#FloppyMike #BigMike #obama #JoeBiden
Photo: the Bush - Klinton - Obama Stooges! #Bush #Clinton #Obama #BigMike #FloppyMike
#FloppyMike #BigMike #obama #clinton #bush