
: A Financial is Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

Latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system.

.. just another effort to flood the system with "helicopter money", to protect $1.5 quadrillion of worthless assets.


#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #American_Citizens #BOYCOTT_BLACKROCK #Zepp_LaRouche #crash #coming #Big_Tsunami #PREDICTED

Last updated 2 years ago



: A Financial is Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

Latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system.

.. just another effort to flood the system with "helicopter money", to protect $1.5 quadrillion of worthless assets.


#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #American_Citizens #BOYCOTT_BLACKROCK #Zepp_LaRouche #crash #coming #Big_Tsunami #PREDICTED

Last updated 2 years ago


Zepp-LaRouche: A is Coming Like a


on Aug 21, 2019

In this week's webcast, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system. While its promoters refer to this plan as a "regime change" in financial policy, it is just another effort to flood the system with "helicopter money", to protect $1.5 quadrillion of worthless assets. This was exposed in the 1990s by Lyndon LaRouche, who developed the pedagogy of his "Triple Curve" to show why this approach will destroy the physical economy, and will lead to chaos.

This is the backdrop to the escalated destabilization of China, which shows the British hand, and that of their allies such as Bolton and Pompeo, in a vain effort to prevent the rise of China, and its BRI policy. While Trump wants a deal with China, his opponents, both within and outside his administration, are putting the world on a dangerous course.

One significant, positive development she identified is the coverage, in the Guardian, the Washington Post, and the Financial Times, of the Dark Age ideology behind eco-fascism, and how it is being used to create a green bonanza for otherwise bankrupt financiers.

These developments are part of an incredible process, which shows that the system is not working, and opens the prospect that growing numbers of people can be brought to see that the solution depends on the proliferation of scientific ideas and great culture -- and that is the basis of optimism.

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Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
85 followers · 13714 posts · Server



: A Financial is Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

In this week's webcast, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system.

Disclaimer: []

#predicted #Big_Tsunami #coming #crash #Zepp_LaRouche #BOYCOTT_BLACKROCK #American_Citizens #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
85 followers · 13714 posts · Server



: A Financial is Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

In this week's webcast, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the latest

Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners []

#predicted #Big_Tsunami #coming #crash #Zepp_LaRouche #BOYCOTT_BLACKROCK #American_Citizens

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
85 followers · 13714 posts · Server



Zepp-LaRouche: A is Coming Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

Latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system.

.. just another effort to flood the system with "helicopter money", to protect $1.5 quadrillion of worthless assets.



Last updated 2 years ago



: A Financial is Like a

on Aug 21, 2019

In this week's webcast, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the latest

Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #American_Citizens #BOYCOTT_BLACKROCK #Zepp_LaRouche #crash #coming #Big_Tsunami #PREDICTED

Last updated 2 years ago