I’ve cut 1,100 words from this essay I’m working on. I need to axe another 500-700. Send me good writing vibes, there is nothing more painful in my opinion. 😭 (Preview attached of the thing I’m hacking away at — Romanticism as manscaping. Yes, I am serious.) #Bigger6
Thanks for sharing this! I didn't know about the #Bigger6 movement until now, but as a literary scholar who specializes in anticolonial, Latin American, and testimonial literatures from marginalized communities, this is fantastic!
Think I botched my #Introduction so trying again. I'm an assistant professor of #Romanticism & #VictorianLiterature at #UniversityOfNorthTexas specializing in #environmentalhumanities #empire #race & #poetry. Amateur #astronomer. #Tattoo addict. #Goth at heart. #Dogstodon #FeministKilljoy #C19Studies #Bigger6 #VictorianStudies #Victodon #LitScholars #AcademicMastodon Thx for boosting and helping me find people!
#introduction #romanticism #victorianliterature #UniversityOfNorthTexas #environmentalhumanities #empire #race #poetry #Astronomer #tattoo #Goth #dogstodon #FeministKilljoy #C19Studies #Bigger6 #VictorianStudies #Victodon #LitScholars #academicmastodon
Hi all, new to this and happy to see so many Twitter lovelies. Here for all things C19, eco, goth, canine, and morass. #Bigger6 #Victodon #notsurewhatiamdoingbutrollingwithit
#Bigger6 #Victodon #notsurewhatiamdoingbutrollingwithit