Aw, my phone just reminded me of what I'm missing out on being on the wrong side of the world. 12+ riders still showing up for miles and smiles (and beers) on a snowy wednesday night in november a few years ago. Auckland could use this sort of thing (especially the snow!).
#WNR #bikegang #bike #twincities #BikeAKL
#Introduction Hi, I'm Angela, a #SoftwareTester from #Auckland.
Interested in:
#Cycling #Bikes #BikeAkl
#Urbanism #Trains
#NZPol #UKPol #AusPol #TaxTheRich
#Tech #NZTech #SoftwareDevelopment
Still #WearAMask because #CovidIsNotOver.
Time for #ClimateAction is now.
Proof of cat (old pic as it was hard to find one with both if them in it).
#introduction #Softwaretester #auckland #NZTwits #cats #cycling #bikes #BikeAKL #urbanism #trains #nzpol #ukpol #auspol #taxtherich #tech #NZtech #softwaredevelopment #WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #climateaction
Ahhh ok. So hashtags can be viewed across servers. I see why they are so important on Mastodon now. It’s a bridge between “local” (only people on the same Mastodon server as you) and “federated” (the whole world (almost)).
Eg #NZTwits (or #NZTwit) is a way to find NZ twitter users to follow no matter where they are on Mastodon.
I have barely been using hashtags. Will do so more now.
#NZTwits #NZTwit #NZtech #bike #BikeAKL #urbanism