Millions went #BacktoSchool this week. At Shawlands Primary, that means the return of their #bikebus.
Twice a week, kids & parents gather to wheel the busy city roads to school. By doing it together, it becomes safer, easier & more joyful for kids to cycle to school.
And here they are on the BBC last year, telling the story of their bike bus and the difference it’s making to kids, parents and the streets near them.:
Community solutions to the problems of our time - we love it! What do you think? Could it work where you are?
Thanks to Shawlands Bike Bus for letting us sharethe video. Find them on twitter @bikebusshaw and insta at @shawlandsbikebus
#community #communityaction #glasgow #bike #cycle #activetravel #school #climateaction #climatechange #transport
#BackToSchool #BikeBus #community #CommunityAction #glasgow #bike #cycle #activetravel #school #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #transport
Mit #Schulstraße & #Fahrradbus setzt sich #KidicalMass im direkten Schul- & Kita-Umfeld für sichere Wege & selbstständige, aktive Kindermobilität ein. Ihr wollt eine Aktion starten, dann meldet euch einfach:
#bicibús #bikebus #streetsforkids #autokorrektur
#Schulstraße #fahrradbus #KidicalMass #BiciBus #BikeBus #StreetsforKids #autokorrektur
I hope the idea of #bikebus starts popping up in other cities. In the #sfba we have #vivaCalle but they only do it a few times a year.
Looking forward to our #bikebus to #icecream ride tonight for #pedalpalooza See you there! #pdx #biketooter
(and yes, the ride is taking place even with the smoke, I can't think of a better backdrop to why we need to stop driving)
#BikeBus #icecream #pedalpalooza #pdx #BikeTooter
Ice Cream #BikeBus!!! SE 55th and Hawthorne at 5:45 Monday! A loop to 50 Licks!
#PedalpaloozaPDX #KidicalMassPDX #pdxBikes #Portland #BikeFun
#BikeBus #PedalpaloozaPDX #kidicalmasspdx #pdxbikes #portland #bikefun
Die Mitteldeutsche Zeitung stellt unseren #Fahrradbus zum #Schulanfang vor. Gemeinsam mit anderen Initiativen, die sichere Mobilität für alle Schüler*innen in #HalleSaale im Blick haben. #autokorrektur #bicibus #bikebus #cyclebus #mdrza
#Fahrradbus #schulanfang #hallesaale #autokorrektur #bicibus #BikeBus #cyclebus #mdrza
Nur noch eine Woche, dann geht's wieder los! Ab kommenden Dienstag, 22. August 2023, rollt unser #Fahrradbus wöchentlich zur #Saaleschule und zum #Riesenklein. #bicibus #bikebus #cyclebus #autokorrektur #mdrza #stadtradeln #fahrrad #hallesaale
#Fahrradbus #saaleschule #riesenklein #bicibus #BikeBus #cyclebus #autokorrektur #mdrza #stadtradeln #fahrrad #hallesaale
survey says people in #Portland would rather sit on #transit & read than be #drivers. #pdxBikes and #eBikes seem popular, must be time to paint "bus and turn only" on the outside lanes of our #stroads and let's get out of #pdxTraffic + do a solid #ClimateAction, plus besides: #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars, the future of #transportation is kids biking themselves to school or joining a #BikeBus, make #SchoolStreets, #BusLanes, & #EdgeLaneRoads / #AdvisoryBikeLanes, out of existing car lanes
#portland #transit #drivers #pdxbikes #ebikes #stroads #pdxtraffic #climateaction #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #transportation #BikeBus #schoolstreets #buslanes #edgelaneroads #advisorybikelanes
1pm #KidicalMassPDX - Northeast Kids Ride and Movie Musical Sing-A-Long
Alberta Park playground, near Jarrett Street. Ride to Fernhill Park. 3 mile loop
#PedalpaloozaPDX #cargoBikes #KidsOnBikes #BikeBus
#kidicalmasspdx #PedalpaloozaPDX #cargobikes #kidsonbikes #BikeBus
Follow the #KidicalMassPDX hashtag to stay tuned for more rides and also LMK if you're into doing the facebook group, emails, website, flyers, whatevers. Also some #BikeBus organizing coming at the SE KMpdx ride in August, with @bikeloudpdx. #pdxBikes
#kidicalmasspdx #BikeBus #pdxbikes
Die Kita- und Grundschulkinder lieben den #Fahrradbus #Bicibus #Bikebus oder wie auch immer man den gemeinsamen aktiven Weg zur Schule nennen möchte. Es ist für alle eine große Freude!
#KidicalMass #StrassenfürAlle #StreetsForKids #Verkehrswende #Autokorrektur #Visionzero
#fahrradbus #BiciBus #BikeBus #KidicalMass #strassenfuralle #StreetsforKids #Verkehrswende #autokorrektur #VisionZero
🚲 Last night we probably had 500 activists at the one year anniversary bike jam for Chicago, Bike Grid Now!
It’s mind blowing how much this has grown. The city cannot ignore us anymore!
And yes, we jammed DuSable Lakeshore Drive 😈
@bikegridnow #bikechi #bicycle #bikebus #fuckcars #safestreets #urbanism
#bikechi #bicycle #BikeBus #FuckCars #safestreets #urbanism
Glad to see more #BikeBus coverage. Ours has really fallen off this year. I hope we can bring it back to its former glory.
Same intersection, one taken on #bikebus day, one taken last week. Remove a few dozen cars and the congestion plaguing our school is gone. #biketooter
Wir haben heute bei Sonnenschein 15 Schülerinnen und Schüler zur Schule begleitet und es hat viel Spaß gemacht.
Am 23.06. sind wir wieder unterwegs.
#BiciBus #Offenbach #BikeBus
bird dot makeup not doing this video justice.
If you're late to work because 120 people took 60 seconds to cross the street in front of you, imagine how late you would be if they were in cars #bikeBus.