On the RTD FF1 from downtown Boulder headed to Viva Streets Denver and yes, the weather finally looks perfect for the event. Hope to see y’all out there.
btw I’ll have #StreetsAreForPeople and #ActiveTowns stickers with me if you want ‘em
#activetowns #StreetsAreForPeople #BikeDen
YAY! IT'S PREMIERE DAY Pls tune in today, Mon, June 26th at 12 noon MST / 2pm EST / 8pm CET for this exploration of one of Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure's newest protected bike lanes downtown. Kudos to @allencowgill for the tour and for guiding me to Union Station.
RT @DenBicycleLobby
Ok #BikeDEN… as of Friday only 13% of you have voted so we know most of you have not voted yet. To make your life easier check out our candidate questionnaire on biking issues:
@BikeWalkBus has a great voter toolkit too:
RT @BuildUpDenver
#bikeden watch out! Tree down on S Platte by Raices and W line/old Colfax
RT @BikesnTribe
Hey #Denver ever wished there was a bench or water fountain somewhere along a trail? Have other ideas where trail amenities could go? Let Parks and Rec know! #bikeden #trails #parks https://geospatialdenver.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=101391cb7d8949afb1729be0c8200914
#parks #trails #BikeDen #denver
RT @BikesnTribe
Support your local bike and pedestrian projects to get federal funding. 3 DPR projects on the list! @DenBicycleLobby @BicycleColo @BikeWalkBus #bikeden https://drcog-tip-drcog.hub.arcgis.com/pages/public-comments-call-4
I second this NB. The primary reason I bike less in the winter is the fact that the bike lane in front of my house is covered in ice for long stretches of time.
RT @ddchen@twitter.com
@nbminor@twitter.com 14 degrees, (w/) baby!
NB: @DenverDOTI@twitter.com the limiting factor for winter riding is maintenance of passable infrastructure, not temperature.