Even on days when it's 100 degrees and I'm exhausted, getting to work on my #EBike is still faster and easier than driving.
EBike: door to door, 15 minutes
Car: door to parking deck, then walk half a mile while carrying my stuff to my office, 25 minutes
Not everyone can live 2 miles from work, but for those who do, it's hard to beat a #bicycle
#ebike #bicycle #biketowork #BikeIsBest
New #BikeIsBest campaign goes live across the UK
This morning has seen the news that the latest ads from the #BikeIsBest campaign have gone live up and down the country.
Have you seen one?
Kijk '#BikeIsBest - The Best Tool For The Job' op YouTube https://youtu.be/V6ChTqII-Yk
RT @BikeIsBestHQ
Our research showed that half of Brits already believe that electric bikes are a natural replacement for cars.
To enable mass adoption of electric bikes we need high quality cycle networks everywhere.
Efficient, healthy and life enhancing #BikeIsBest
RT @BikeIsBestHQ
For millions of short journeys the right tool for the job ought to be walking or cycling but the way too many streets are designed make this a difficult choice. For the sake of the planet, our health and making our places work better it's time to change this #BikeIsBest
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
This great @BBCNews@twitter.com video from Finland clearly shows we get the traffic we plan for, as locals keep cycling even when temperatures can dip to -30 degrees thanks to a great and well maintained bike network. It's the bike lanes, not the weather #BikeIsBest https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-64354089
Biking isn't reserved for activists. Most people just want a safe, reliable, and convenient way to get around. It's time to make biking, walking, rolling, and transit the PREMIER way to move in Chicago. #bikeisbest #bikegridnotgridlock
#BikeIsBest #bikegridnotgridlock
‘Entrenched car culture’ leaves millions of Britons spending 13% of their gross income on car ownership (19% if purchased on credit), according to a #BikeIsBest survey. Three-quarters believe they will "always own a car", effectively choosing to have no transport alternatives and choosing continued entrapment in transport poverty.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-costbenefit-bike-lanes-idUSKCN11Z23A bike lanes could help the public health and the economy #BikeIsBest #MagicPill #PublicHealth #ChangeIsNeeded
#changeisneeded #publichealth #magicpill #BikeIsBest
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
Battling traffic this week? Measures to reduce traffic and make walking and cycling safer and more attractive are overwhelmingly supported by the public. Our research should help give local leaders confidence to build futures with less traffic #BikeIsBest https://www.bikeisbest.com/press-release-yougov-study-shows-public-support-cycling-investment
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BikeIsBestHQ/status/1605635138515111936
One of my favourite events of the season: the #CapitalBike Holiday Lights Ride! The weather cooperated (just a little drizzle at the start), it was a great route with amazingly decorated houses, I got to bring my niece & nephew again & this time their mum, my friend, was able to attend for the first time, plus I saw so many other friends there… a heart filling evening. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
(map shows the lights ride + my commute there & back)
#goByBikeBC #YYJBike #ChristmasLights #BikeIsBest #BikeGang
#capitalbike #gobybikebc #yyjbike #ChristmasLights #BikeIsBest #BikeGang
The time is nearly upon us for December’s #CriticalMassDub / #IBIKEBop/
Join us this Friday
16 December, 6pm
Parnell Square, D1 (Opposite Hugh Lane Gallery)
For an hour of cycling in the city centre w/ @monthlycycles and some great Christmas tunes
Finishes 7pm Barnardo Square, D2.
#CriticalMassDub #IBIKEBop #MonthlyCyclers #BikeTooter #CriticalMass #Dublin #Cycling #DublinCycling #BikeIsBest #BetterByBike
Video via @deirdren
#CriticalMassDUB #IBIKEBop #MonthlyCyclers #BikeTooter #criticalmass #dublin #cycling #DublinCycling #BikeIsBest #betterbybike
We need more of these! My bike is fabulous for Christmas shopping. I can get right up close to the shops where I want to buy heavier items and either cycle home, or walk with the bike loaded up! #BikeIsBest #SustainableTransport #ChristmasShopping
#BikeIsBest #sustainabletransport #christmasshopping
Good to see Fingal County Council having had a very good and worthwhile study tour to Utrecht and surroundings. We can expect good things to come from this back home in Ireland. People talk of the sheer convenience of the bike and that it's part of enabling so much more than just simply cycling.
#BikeTooter #BikeIsBest #IrishCycle https://youtu.be/NtNn8RmHmcQ
#BikeTooter #BikeIsBest #irishcycle
(the $35 included a new spare tube, by the way)
#soCheap #BikeIsBest #AKLBikeLife #NoCarNoProblem #paihikara
#socheap #BikeIsBest #AKLBikeLife #NoCarNoProblem #paihikara
@clickhere t’was a fun afternoon. Spirits were high and the sun even came out for a time. The park looked great with lots of festive decorations along the route.
#SantaCycle #PhoenixPark #BikeTooter #BikeIsBest #NotMadeOfSugar
#santacycle #phoenixpark #BikeTooter #BikeIsBest #notmadeofsugar
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
In case you missed it, new research shows that when people get electric bikes they ride more and ride further. Electric bikes are fun to ride and they make every journey a little easier. With better infrastructure they can transform how we move #BikeIsBest https://cyclingindustry.news/research-furthers-idea-that-ebike-riders-go-further-and-more-often/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BikeIsBestHQ/status/1596939442358718464
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
Cycle networks and lower traffic environments can transform the independence and happiness of young people as this research from #BikeIsBest partner @Sustrans@twitter.com shows. Independent mobility is important for wellbeing but also brings a range of wider benefits https://www.showcase-sustrans.org.uk/news/enabling-independent-travel-for-young-people/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BikeIsBestHQ/status/1596806035590844416
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
Making streets safer for children, brings a wide range of benefits from reducing road danger to reducing pollution and the negative health of traffic. School streets are a decision to put children's wellbeing first and we need many more of them #BikeIsBest https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/18/pollutionwatch-school-streets-children-exposure-toxic-air-traffic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BikeIsBestHQ/status/1596571993205268483
RT @BikeIsBestHQ@twitter.com
The best way to reduce particulate pollution in our towns in cities, is to ensure people can walk, wheel and cycle most short journeys. Let's manage down our exposure to pollution and improve health and liveability. For a healthier future, #BikeIsBest https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BikeIsBestHQ/status/1596066170817302528