Favorite #bands: #Rush and #FleetwoodMac
Favorite album: Duke by #Genesis
Favorite singer: #FreddyMercury
But Favorite pop song: Sailing by #ChristopherCross
I know people who listen to death metal that love that song. Christopher should start a #Patreon asking everyone who appreciates that song to send him $1. By the end of the week, he'd be hiring #BillGates to shine his shoes.
#bands #rush #fleetwoodmac #Genesis #freddymercury #ChristopherCross #patreon #BillGates
Favorite #bands: #Rush and #FleetwoodMac
Favorite album: Duke by #Genesis
Favorite singer: #FreddyMercury
But Favorite pop song: Sailing by #ChristopherCross
I know people who listen to death metal that love that song. Christopher should start a #Patreon asking everyone who appreciates that song to send him $1. By the end of the week, he'd be hiring #BillGates to shine his shoes.
#bands #rush #fleetwoodmac #Genesis #freddymercury #ChristopherCross #patreon #BillGates
»… because they all love me so much.«
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid #covid19 #BillGates #antivaxxers @novid
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covid #covid19 #BillGates #antivaxxers
https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/09/nightmare-in-the-us-gmo-mosquitoes-release-likely-aiming-to-vaccinate-without-consent/ Nightmare in the US: GMO Mosquitoes’ Release likely aiming to Vaccinate without Consent. #mosquitoes #gmo #vaccines #billgates #covid
#mosquitoes #GMO #vaccines #BillGates #COVID
https://davidicke.com/2023/09/03/bill-gates-is-funding-a-scheme-to-cut-down-70-million-acres-of-forests-in-north-america/ Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America #billgates #forest #trees #nwo #pandemic
#BillGates #forest #trees #nwo #pandemic
Bill Gates IS HIDING this about the food supply and it's about to come out | Redacted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzbD2-5Fjag #billgates #food
Today's #environmentalists #hate the #environment
#environmentalists #hate #environment #trees #BillGates #globalwarming
#BillGates buys $95M worth of Anheuser-Busch shares following #BudLight disaster https://nypost.com/2023/09/06/bill-gates-buys-95m-in-anheuser-busch-shares-following-bud-light-disaster/
#BillGates Pushes National ID System https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/bill-gates-pushes-national-id-system
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/vaccine-no-its-long-long-covid-experts-publish/ Vaccine? No, it's Long-Long Covid - 'Experts' Publish Warning That Covid Can Kill For Up to TWO YEARS Post-Infection #billgates #vaccines #covid #death #infection
#BillGates #vaccines #COVID #death #infection
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdYo2j_0Ov8 I've said it so many times that mosquitos can be used to 'vaccinate' a whole population, but some thought I was nuts... oh well, when you do your homework you realize that I was just showing others the truth and not a nut or conspiracy theorist which that term was created by the CIA when others before me began putting together through intense research the real truth exposing it all... next time, PLEASE, listen to us. #billgates #mosquitoes #vaccines
#BillGates #mosquitoes #vaccines
https://www.infowars.com/posts/bill-gates-funds-scheme-to-chop-bury-trees-to-fight-climate-change/ Bill Gates Funds Scheme to Chop, Bury Trees to Fight “Climate Change” #billgates #climatechange #trees #destruction
#BillGates #climatechange #trees #destruction
#BillGates Funds Scheme to Chop, Bury #Trees to Fight #ClimateChange - Project aims to cut down tens of millions of acres of trees. https://www.newswars.com/bill-gates-funds-scheme-to-chop-bury-trees-to-fight-climate-change/
#BillGates #trees #climatechange
The full list of Schumer's AI insight forum 💩
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Musk #Zuckerberg #OpenAI #Meta #Google #Schumer #BillGates #SamAltman #EricSchmidt
#ericschmidt #samaltman #BillGates #schumer #Google #Meta #openai #zuckerberg #Musk #artificialintelligence #AI
No problem too big for #IndianInnovators : #BillGates #Founder #Microsoft #India
Partnership between #RIL and #GatesFoundation to empower #1millionwomen.
They will also focus on #drugdevelopment and #pointofcarediagnostics.
Partnership between #BreakthroughEnergy by Bill Gates and #Reliance, is poised to foster innovation and introduce effective solutions
#reliance #breakthroughenergy #pointofcarediagnostics #drugdevelopment #1millionwomen #gatesfoundation #RIL #India #Microsoft #founder #BillGates #indianinnovators
Check has cleared: U.S. Chamber of Commerce formally surrenders to #BillGates and #globalism