Been busy in the garden over the winter? The first green bin collection of 2023 will happen in #Radyr and #Morganstown tomorrow alongside our segregated recycling. #BinDay
The idea that the cycles of the planets control one's life is daft, of course, and #astrology is pseudoscience.
But I think that there's a good case to be made that the cycle of the bin collections has a strong and scientifically measurable impact upon one's life.
Whether one was born with the Blue Bin ascendant, for example, determines how long the empties will sit outside of your house after your birthday parties for the rest of your life.
@snaprails There's probably an astrological term for when all of the bin day cycles line up.
It felt like only yesterday I was printing off the 2022 bin collection day calendar.
Yet here I am, on the council website, printing out the 2023 calendar.
For the first time since moving to our current address the bin schedule has aligned so as to include a collection between Christmas and New Year. I put my bin out yesterday not quite sure if I should believe the online calendar and, in a move that has in hindsight made me write sad, audibly exclaimed 'They came!' when checking this morning, like fucking Bin Man Santa came.
#BinDay #christmasgooch #merryneum
In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My recycling will not be repressed.
I have to go and do the bins.
A skip is being lifted today. This is like a regular bin having a 21st birthday party. I couldn't sleep with the excitement. #BinDay
#Introduction as we are now on the server after our #TwitterMigration
The @RMHub aims to post Hyperlocal information for the villages of #Radyr and #Morgantown in North West #Cardiff. We run a #website and have a Facebook presence too.
I'll apologise now for the #BinDay related posts but we do also get into more strategic matters like the #CardiffLDP #LDP and #Planning as well as hopefully boosting other local groups from our area. ^Ian
#planning #LDP #CardiffLDP #BinDay #website #cardiff #Morgantown #radyr #twittermigration #introduction
That great feeling when you put the bin out and fit all the aeroboard in.
And then it's pointed out that tomorrow isn't #binday