Kotaku: Fans Spot Striking Similarities Between Steampunk Game Trailer And BioShock Infinite's https://kotaku.com/bioshock-infinite-clockwork-revolution-trailer-xbox-1850541112 #gaming #tech #kotaku #developmentofbioshockinfinite #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #irrationalgames #windowsgames #videogaming #brianfargo #videogames #steampunk #microsoft #bioshock #trailer #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #developmentofbioshockinfinite #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #irrationalgames #windowsgames #videogaming #brianfargo #videogames #steampunk #microsoft #BioShock #trailer #rpg
After completing #atomicheart, which has often been described as a Wish #bioshock counterfeit, I've given again a try at Bioshock 2 which was (figuratively) gathering dust on my shelf.
And boy do your memories play tricks on you :) Of course Bioshock is historically significant, but the gameplay has aged like milk. It's boring, repetitive, slow, and a textbook example of ludonarrative dissonance.
#atomicheart #BioShock #gaming #fps
On this week's podcast we discuss games that we immediately dismissed and then later tried only to discover that they are actually fantastic. Would you believe that we initially passed on such classics as #MegaMan, #BioShock, and #SlyCooper?
Kotaku: The Russian BioShock Game Atomic Heart Is A Best Seller, And Also Controversial As Hell https://kotaku.com/atomic-heart-russia-ukraine-controversy-bioshock-fallou-1850151838 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #well2cjustyouwait21 #firstpersonshooters #focusentertainment #yuliatymoshenko #irrationalgames #dmitrysechenov #sergeynechayev #creativeworks #anatoliypaliy #alexbornyakov #windowsgames #nu2cpogodi21 #tomandjerry #videogaming #videogames #gemcapital #microsoft #bioshock
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #well2cjustyouwait21 #firstpersonshooters #focusentertainment #yuliatymoshenko #irrationalgames #dmitrysechenov #sergeynechayev #creativeworks #anatoliypaliy #alexbornyakov #windowsgames #nu2cpogodi21 #tomandjerry #videogaming #videogames #gemcapital #microsoft #BioShock
The controversy around 'Atomic Heart' will soon be familiar in a world of international game production and conflict between major powers.
#GamesNews #worldnews #atomicheart #Bioshock #backlashes
#gamesnews #worldnews #atomicheart #BioShock #backlashes
Внезапно. Я уже и не думал, что озвучка DLC от «CGInfo» выйдет. Славно, теперь помимо основной «BioShock Infinite» и 1-ую «Burial at Sea» можно пройти с хорошей русскоязычной озвучкой.
Ars Technica: Atomic Heart impressions: Shock-ingly good shooting https://arstechnica.com/?p=1918518 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #first-personshooter #Gaming&Culture #Atomicheart #systemshock #shock-like #actionRPG #communism #immersive #Bioshock #fps
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #first #Gaming #atomicheart #systemshock #shock #actionrpg #communism #immersive #BioShock #fps
Kotaku: 10 Iconic Video Game Intros To Jumpstart Your New Year https://kotaku.com/best-video-game-intros-2023-bioshock-final-fantasy-1849950665 #gaming #tech #kotaku #batenkaitos3aeternalwingsandthelostocean #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #metalgearsolid4 #doomsimilarly #simonbelmont #samuelhayden #batenkaitos #ninjagaiden #davidhayter #videogaming #videogames #doomslayer #bioshock #shepard #ashley #ashtar
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #batenkaitos3aeternalwingsandthelostocean #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #firstpersonshooters #metalgearsolid4 #doomsimilarly #simonbelmont #samuelhayden #batenkaitos #ninjagaiden #davidhayter #videogaming #videogames #doomslayer #BioShock #shepard #ashley #ashtar
My five #VideoGames list to know me by:
#videogames #BioShock #minecraft #FinalFantasyVIII #stardewvalley #persona4
Where are my #scifi fans on here? Which are your favorites?
Some of my favorite franchises (in no order) with some favorites in series.
Movies, TV, Books:
#EndersGame - #EndersShadow
#StarTrek - #DS9
#StarWars - #RogueOne #Andor #Thrawn
#Stargate - #SG1
#BattleStarGalactica (2004)
#TheExpanse - #LeviathanWakes
#AndyWeir (yes, an author counts) - #ProjectHailMary
#scifi #EndersGame #EndersShadow #startrek #ds9 #starwars #RogueOne #andor #Thrawn #stargate #SG1 #battlestargalactica #Firefly #Sliders #theexpanse #LeviathanWakes #andyweir #projecthailmary #masseffect #Halo #rimworld #BioShock #Portal #HalfLife
Как неожиданно и приятно, что «2K Games» ещё помнят про «BioShock» и не скипнули 15-ую годовщину. Хотя, видимо, всё ограничится этой картиночкой, да сменой оформления профиля.
Тем не менее оригинальная «BioShock» – одна из любимых игр. И сама по себе прекрасна.
+ ещё одна адаптация на «Netflix».
Буду угарать, если после хайпа «The Cuphead Show!» они решат экранизировать не основные события «BioShock», а те анимационные обучающие вставки. Я бы и не был против.