¡Buenos días! Ya por fin viernes, así que aprovechad el finde para jugar todo lo que podáis.
Yo empecé el otro día en la #SteamDeck la versión remaster de #Bioshock2.
No recordaba lo bien que les quedó Rapture y ahora siendo un Big Daddy todo mola más.
¿Lo habéis jugado?
BioShock: The Collection is free to keep from Epic right now - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/bioshock-the-collection-is-free-to-keep-from-epic-right-now #BioShock:TheCollection #BioShockInfinite #IrrationalGames #FPS/Shooter #Blockbuster #BioShock2 #BioShock #2KGames
#bioshock #BioshockInfinite #irrationalgames #fps #blockbuster #BioShock2 #2kgames
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2010 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rps-time-capsule-the-games-worth-saving-from-2010 #Battlefield:BadCompany™2 #Amnesia:TheDarkDescent #Kane&Lynch2;:DogDays #CallofDuty:BlackOps #TheRPSTimeCapsule #Fallout:NewVegas #BestestBests #MassEffect2 #Blockbuster #BioShock2 #VVVVVV #Indie #2010
#battlefield #amnesia #kane #callofduty #TheRPSTimeCapsule #fallout #bestestbests #MassEffect2 #blockbuster #BioShock2 #vvvvvv #indie
The 25 best FPS games on PC - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/goCAbIdvdcM/best-fps-games #TomClancy'sRainbowSixSiege #Wolfenstein:TheNewOrder #CallofDuty:Warzone #Half-Life:Alyx #Hunt:Showdown #TeamFortress2 #BestestBests #DevilDaggers #Borderlands2 #ApexLegends #Titanfall2 #SUPERHOTVR #Left4Dead2 #Half-Life2 #BoomerangX #BioShock2 #Valorant #SUPERHOT #AmidEvil #F.E.A.R. #Destiny2 #FarCry4 #FarCry2 #Feature #FPS
#TomClancy #wolfenstein #callofduty #Half #hunt #TeamFortress2 #bestestbests #DevilDaggers #borderlands2 #apexlegends #Titanfall2 #SUPERHOTVR #Left4Dead2 #BoomerangX #BioShock2 #Valorant #superhot #AmidEvil #f #destiny2 #FarCry4 #FarCry2 #feature #fps