"Terra Nil", my favourite #solarpunk game from South African indie developer Free Lives, finally has a release date: 28th March!
What's more, 8% of the profits generated by Steam sales will be donated to the Endangered Wildelife Trust in South Africa.
If you haven't played the demo yet, I can highly recommend it. It was one of the most calming videogame experiences of last year for me.
#solarpunk #gaming #Biodiveristy #conservation
We are expanding our department into the field of biodiversity and society. We are looking for a tenure track assistant professor and a PhD student! See the job ads in the posts below.
#jobs #biodiveristy #SciComm
RT @GopalMurali1
🚨New paper🚨 Heatwaves are on the rise due to climate change. How will extreme thermal events shape the future of the world's biodiversity at different warming levels? Check our study out today @Nature https://rdcu.be/c3Ibi
#ClimateEmergency #Heatwaves #Biodiveristy🐘🦩🐸🐍🦎
#climateemergency #heatwaves #Biodiveristy
RT @GopalMurali1@twitter.com
🚨New paper🚨 Heatwaves are on the rise due to climate change. How will extreme thermal events shape the future of the world's biodiversity at different warming levels? Check our study out today @Nature@twitter.com https://rdcu.be/c3Ibi
#ClimateEmergency #Heatwaves #Biodiveristy🐘🦩🐸🐍🦎
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GopalMurali1/status/1615769340514799617
#climateemergency #heatwaves #Biodiveristy
RT @GopalMurali1
🚨New paper🚨 Heatwaves are on the rise due to climate change. How will extreme thermal events shape the future of the world's biodiversity at different warming levels? Check our study out today @Nature https://rdcu.be/c3Ibi
#ClimateEmergency #Heatwaves #Biodiveristy🐘🦩🐸🐍🦎
#climateemergency #heatwaves #Biodiveristy
The Great Forgetting
The article highlights the importance of preserving our memories, both the physical environment and the people we love, whose stories are part of the Earth’s living library. We are losing these libraries at an alarming rate due to climate change, and it is up to us to ensure their #stories are not forgotten. #Memory is precious, and we must not take it for granted.
#Biodiveristy #history #longread #memory #stories
The US and the Holy See are the only two countries that have not signed the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. We know why the US hasn't (it's Republicans). But what's up with the Vatican? Hey Pope Francis!
#Biodiveristy #Sustainability
Crucial Talks on Preserving Nature Are on Now. Here Are the Key Issues. https://nyti.ms/3WmgaV1
"#Plastics are #fossilfuels in another form," said U.N. chief @antonioguterres@twitter.com, "and pose a serious threat to #humanrights, the #climate, and #biodiveristy."
https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/12/03/turn-tap-plastic-un-chief-declares-amid-debate-over-new-global-treaty via @commondreams@twitter.com
@UNEP@twitter.com @UNEP_AsiaPac@twitter.com @UNEP_NAmerica@twitter.com #TurnOffTheTap #PlasticsTreaty
#PlasticsTreaty #turnoffthetap #Biodiveristy #Climate #humanrights #fossilfuels #plastics
Gentiana verna and a Ranucluacea (probably Pulsatilla alpina) on a rich alpine pasture. South exposure, Apennine Mountains approx. 2250 MASL. #wildflowerhour #alpineflowers #biodiveristy #mountains #botany #gentiana
#wildflowerhour #alpineflowers #Biodiveristy #mountains #botany #gentiana
A Marseille une belle expo à voir jusqu'au 21 Décembre.
#sea #Biodiveristy #ecology #diving
#sea #Biodiveristy #ecology #diving
Time for some serious Gentianaceae content: Gentiana clusii Lombardia italy approx. 1200 MASL #flowerfriday #botany #flowers #alpineplants #alps #Biodiveristy own work CC-by-nc-sa
#Biodiveristy #alps #alpineplants #flowers #botany #flowerfriday