Today is #ShowYourStripes day - at home! @ed_hawkins
Tap image for full view 😉👇
#showyourstripes #BiodiversityStripes
It is once again time to show our colors ahead of the UN #ClimateConferenceBonn #SB58 to draw attention to the climate and biodiversity crisis. It is no time to hope for "miracles" - we must act now! #COP28 #Climatecrisis #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityStripes #ShowYourStripes #WarmingStripes
Credits: @ed_hawkins… Miles Richardson
#climateconferencebonn #sb58 #COP28 #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #BiodiversityStripes #showyourstripes #warmingstripes
It is once again time to show our colors ahead of the UN #ClimateConferenceBonn #SB58 to draw attention to the climate and biodiversity crisis. It is no time to hope for "miracles" - we must act now! #COP28 #Climatecrisis #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityStripes #ShowYourStripes #WarmingStripes
Credits: @ed_hawkins Miles Richardson
#climateconferencebonn #sb58 #COP28 #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #BiodiversityStripes #showyourstripes #warmingstripes
Journée mondiale de la #biodiversité
A l'instar des #ClimateStripes , les #BiodiversityStripes
> En France métropolitaine, 14% des mammifères, 24% des reptiles, 23% des amphibiens et 32% des oiseaux nicheurs sont menacés de disparition du territoire. Tout comme 19% des poissons d’eau douce et 28% des crustacés d’eau douce. Pour la flore, 15% des espèces d’orchidées sont menacées.
#BiodiversityStripes #climatestripes #biodiversite
/2 🌎 #BioDiversityDay 🥀
Unsere Welt verblasst von Grün zu Grau. Die Streifen zeigen einen Rückgang von 69 % bei über 5.000 Arten von Säugetieren, Vögeln, Fischen, Amphibien und Reptilien seit 1970.
#biodiversityday #BiodiversityStripes
#ClimateDiary Today is #BiodiversityDay. The overall trend is bleak, as the #BiodiversityStripes illustrate. But this is all the more reason to know and rediscover existing #biodiversity enhancing #AgroEcology practices.
Am reposting this #HistoricalEcology 🧵 I did during #COP15 in Dec’22 - a brief world tour through West and East Africa, Amazonia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Europe, N America - enoy! I do believe #IntermediateDisturbance is the way forward
#ClimateDiary #biodiversityday #BiodiversityStripes #biodiversity #agroecology #historicalecology #cop15 #intermediatedisturbance
Biodiversity Stripes - A Journey from Green to Grey
#Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityStripes
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateStripes
📷 "When our world turns hot and grey, so do we. The heating of the planet and global loss of biodiversity since 1970 combined."
#biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityStripes #climate #climatecrisis #climatestripes
As the most critical biodiversity conference comes to a close, Brian McHugh explores why COP15 has not sparked international action #Biodiverity #biodiversitat #biodiversityloss #biodiversitycrisis #BiodiversityDecline #BiodiversityStripes
#Biodiverity #biodiversitat #biodiversityloss #biodiversitycrisis #BiodiversityDecline #BiodiversityStripes
RT @Ecologi_hq
69% average decline in #wildlife populations since 1970.
🟩→⬜ From green to grey, #biodiversity is in sharp decline.
Depicting this loss @findingnature has created a biodiversity version inspired by @ed_hawkins #ClimateStripes.
#wildlife #biodiversity #climatestripes #BiodiversityStripes #climateaction
@ed_hawkins french prime minister Élisabeth Borne couldn't apparently choose between wearing climate or biodiversity stripes either...
lots of black stripes tough...
#BiodiversityStripes #OnAvaitDitPasLesVêtements
#BiodiversityStripes #onavaitditpaslesvetements
It would be really very cool to make #BiodiversityStripes for #marine #biodiversity. Like these ones for #freshwater #species from
The #ocean #ecosystems are getting weaker due to #ClimateChange, #OceanAcidification, #Deoxygenation, #Overfishing.
There are robust #datasets for different marine species around, aren't there?
#datasets #overfishing #deoxygenation #oceanacidification #climatechange #ecosystems #ocean #species #freshwater #biodiversity #marine #BiodiversityStripes
Ik vond deze site:
Naar het idee van @ed_hawkins heeft prof. Miles Richardson de "Biodiversity Stripes" bedacht. De data komt van "Living Planet Index. Te zien in deze 'stripes' is dat we de afgelopen jaren op allerlei gebieden van biodiversiteit een terugval maken, van groen naar langzamerhand de grijze tonen.
#BiodiversityStripes #showyourstripes
The combined #ClimateStripes with the #BiodiversityStripes.
The increase in global temperatures and parallel the decrease in #biodiversity is deeply worrying and terrifying!
via @Ruth_Mottram
#climatestripes #BiodiversityStripes #biodiversity #wedonthavetime
This is possibly the most depressing thing on the internet right now but I'm afraid we're going to have to face up to it...
#BiodiversityStripes #biodiversity
Dear Mastadon hivemind:
The website is highlighting biodiversity loss, globally and regionally using a similar concept to the climate stripes.
We are looking for other sources of biodiversity data which can be turned into stripes to highlight this critical issue.
Any leads for long & coherent time series welcome!
Dear Mastadon hivemind:
The website is highlighting biodiversity loss, globally and regionally using a similar concept to the climate stripes.
We are looking for other sources of biodiversity data which can be turned into stripes to highlight this critical issue.
Any leads for long & coherent time series welcome!
Klar, ihr kennt die #Klimastreifen.
Wir merken ja auch gerade wie die Hitze Europa in Atem hält.
Wir haben auch die #Dürrestreifen entwickelt, welche die Niederschlagsentwicklung darstellen.
Aber was ist mit der Artenvielfalt?
Prof. Miles Richardson hat die #BiodiversityStripes entwickelt.
Von einer grünen artenreichen Welt die immer grauer und ärmer wird.
Zum Hintergrund:
#Klimastreifen #Dürrestreifen #BiodiversityStripes