RT @IBMAgl: #IPM -LastH for @H2020IPMWorks http://exhib.in @europarl_en show #holisticapproach works&profitable for #farmers,includ. #biologicalcontrol use Thanksto MEPs @BenoitBiteau @MetzTilly @meugeniarpalop @Franc_Bogovic @AnnaFotyga_PE @EricAndrieuEU @saskiabricmont &➕for visit
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1626175300664020994
#IPM #holisticapproach #Farmers #BiologicalControl
RT @IBMAgl: #IPM -LastH for @H2020IPMWorks http://exhib.in @europarl_en show #holisticapproach works&profitable for #farmers,includ. #biologicalcontrol use Thanksto MEPs @BenoitBiteau @MetzTilly @meugeniarpalop @Franc_Bogovic @AnnaFotyga_PE @EricAndrieuEU @saskiabricmont &➕for visit
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BenoitBiteau/status/1626203869519675395
#IPM #holisticapproach #Farmers #BiologicalControl
RT @IBMAgl: #AgriOutlook -Brilliant presentation by @ursnigglifibl about #Agroecology,importance of holistic approach using #croprotation,diversified crops,working with nature,digitalization & technologies e.g #biologicalcontrol.We need more for #farmers. #biocontrol #EUDefinition #fasttrack
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUAgri/status/1601146849972609024
#AgriOutlook #agroecology #croprotation #BiologicalControl #Farmers #BioControl #EUDefinition #fasttrack
Bezpečné, prírodné náhrady pesticídov existujú. Len im musíme prestať hádzať polená pod nohy a pomôcť farmárom ich používať.
Pomôže to farmárom, včelám a ďalším opeľovačom, ale aj nám všetkým.
RT @IBMAgl: #EPSeminar co-org. with #Microbials TF,chairedby MEP Hlavacek underlining need for a fasttrack for #biologicalcontrol sol.for #farmers to have in their toolbox as soon as possible #sustainableregenerativeagriculture #IPMTriangl…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/martinhojsik/status/1580535999045648384
#EPSeminar #Microbials #BiologicalControl #Farmers #sustainableregenerativeagriculture #IPMTriangl
RT @EPPO_efficacy: The 15th Joint EPPO/IOBC Panel on Biological Control Agents is being held just now in Paris. Ms Ewa Matyjaszczyk participates in the meeting to make connection between the EPPO work on #PlantProtection Products and #BiologicalControl
#biocontrol #pesticides #beneficials #BCA #IPM
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Plants_EFSA/status/1579769634479538176
#PlantProtection #BiologicalControl #BioControl #Pesticides #beneficials #bca #IPM