I'm guessing this bird probably lost their foot due to becoming entangled in a fishing line. They seem to be doing okay, although they tend to stick to the quieter areas of the local ponds.
June 2023, Stockport
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #Wildlife #WildlifePhotography #BirdsUK
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #BirdsUK
Meet White/mud, a Cornish chough.
He fledged from a nest in the far west of Cornwall in 2016 and is paired with an unringed, older female. She lost her original mate while feeding chicks in the nest in 2017. White/mud turned up and paid her great attention although he didn’t help to feed the chicks. She managed to fledge a single chick on her own and has been paired with him ever since. They fledged three chicks in each of 2018, 2019 and 2020.
#BirdsUK #nature #birds #corvids #birdphotography
I don't understand this goose.
This is a pink-footed goose. Their numbers have doubled since 1993/4. They visit Britain for the winter in great skeins, flying in giant v-shapes, over from Iceland and Greenland. Staying en-mass in nature reserves and wetlands in places like Yorkshire and the Norfolk coast. Not this one though, this single goose hangs out with a gang of Canada geese in Stockport/Tameside. I wish I knew why.
#birds #BirdsUK #goose #wildlife #nature #birdphotography
Pintail duck, male. Not sleeping.
The stats in the toot above were from the BTO btw.
Taken at Slimbridge, March 2023.
#birds #birdPhotography #BirdsUK #nature #wildlife #wildlifePhotography #ducks
#birds #birdphotography #BirdsUK #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #ducks
Pintail duck, male. Sleeping.
There are around 20k Pintails in Britain over the winter. However, their numbers have dropped 25% since 1993/4 and they have a conversation status of amber.
Taken at Slimbridge, March 2023.
#birds #birdPhotography #BirdsUK #nature #wildlife #wildlifePhotography #ducks
#birds #birdphotography #BirdsUK #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #ducks
Reed bunting
Reed buntings saw a large decline in numbers in the 1970s, but their population has now stabilised. They are on the amber list, indicating a conservation status of moderate concern. They have recently become more common in gardens during the winter.
#birds #BirdsUK #wildlifePhotography #wildlife #birdPhotography
#birds #BirdsUK #wildlifephotography #wildlife #birdphotography
Bullfinch, female
It was snowing when I took this photo, even though there are clear signs of spring 🌱
Bullfinches have declined 36% in the UK since 1967, mostly due to a change in agricultural practices in the 70s. They've seen a small increase in numbers in recent years though (see
#bullfinch #spring #bird #BirdsUK #wildlife #BirdPhotography
#bullfinch #spring #bird #BirdsUK #wildlife #birdphotography
Eurasian teal, male
Sleeping away the afternoon. This is Britain's smallest breeding duck. They're normally quite shy, so I've not managed a good photo of the ones in Stockport, but this one was not bothered by being right next to a hide.
Slimbridge, March 2023
#slimbridge #BirdsUK #birdphotography #birds #ducks
Northern Pintail, male
A wild dabbling duck, wintering in the UK.
Taken at Slimbridge, 5th Mar 2023
#birds #BirdsUK #wildlifephotography #slimbridge
Swifts, possibly pallid rather than common. Taken in Cromer, Norfolk last October, after some strong winds blew them off course and brought us some unseasonably warm weather. A side effect of more extreme and unpredictable weather that I hadn't anticipated.
If anyone can give a positive id on any of these photos that would be amazing. I've found it very hard to tell the difference, but they appeared paler than the common swifts I usually see.
#norfolk #BirdsUK #birds #norfolkbirds #swifts
I'd been wanting to capture a picture of the colours of a starling's feathers for ages, so was really happy to find this one with the light hitting them perfectly one day.
This was taken looking out to sea, on the seafront at Cromer, Norfolk last October. I think they were waiting for some chips, so were not fussed by my presence.
#bird #starling #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife
Two of last year's cygnets being chased by Dad.
Spring is definitely in the air now, as the local swans start to make room on the lake. The youngsters are being chased up and down the lake every day, but haven't yet taken the hint.
Stockport UK
#swan #birds #BirdsUK #birdphotography #spring
Finally felt well enough to go out and take some photos again. It may only be a wood pigeon, but it's a start 🐦
Stockport UK
#bird #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife #pigeon
Canada goose, drinking from meltwater.
Dec 2022, Stockport UK
#bird #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife #goose
Mrs Ivan, a female mute swan (around 7 or 8 years old from memory).
I've not been able to see the local family of swans for ages and am really missing them. I've heard the youngsters are practicing their flying at the moment and it won't be long until they're being chased off.
Taken Dec 2022. Stockport UK.
#bird #swan #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife
Ring necked parakeet, female
I've been busy recently, so haven't been taking or posting many photos. However, here's a parakeet from back in December.
They really seemed to enjoy eating the samaras from sycamores and didn't mind people walking past. It's quite striking just how many more parakeets there are each year and how easy it is to see them now.
Stockport, UK
#bird #parakeet #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife
Ring necked parakeet, female
I've been busy recently, so haven't been taking or posting many photos. However, here's a parakeet from back in December.
They really seemed to enjoy eating the samaras from sycamores and didn't mind people walking past. It's quite striking just how many more parakeets there are each year and how easy it is to see them now.
Stockport, UK
#bird #parakeet #BirdsUK #birdphotography #wildlife
Nuthatch in winter
I particularly like that there are buds visible on this tree. It reminds me that there are warmer times to come.
Stockport UK
#birds #birdphotography #BirdsUK
One of last year's cygnets on my local patch in Stockport, UK.
It's the first time I've been able to see them since mid-Dec. Unfortunately, the walk was pretty exhausting post-covid, so I'm unlikely to be doing it again anytime soon. Cycling is an option once the ice clears up though.
The adults were starting to chase the youngsters away so I'm really keen to get back and watch what happens, esp with this one as he's unlikely to leave without a fight.
#bird #swan #birdphotography #BirdsUK