I am live now! Gotta say hellos and stuff! Come hang out. #hardcoreclassic first followed by #BOTW -- maybe we can beat the game. #birthdaystream #birth #twitchbirthday
#twitchbirthday #birth #BirthdayStream #botw #hardcoreclassic
It's my birthday! 🎈 🎂 Gonna do some #worldofwarcraft #hardcore classic stuff. I've never done it before so let's see how this goes! Streaming on #twitch #birthday #birthdaystream #birthdayparty
#birthdayparty #BirthdayStream #birthday #Twitch #hardcore #worldofwarcraft
I started today's stream with the plan to get my last divine beast but instead I spent it finding and upgrading my rubber armor. #lozbotw #loz #botw #ゼルダの伝説 #twitch #girlgamer #cozystreamer #birthday #BirthdayStream
#BirthdayStream #birthday #cozystreamer #girlgamer #Twitch #ゼルダの伝説 #botw #loz #lozbotw
First ever bday stream! Come join in on all the totally lame festivities hosted by yours truly! Mark it on your calendars and be sure to follow me on Twitch to get notified when I go live. 😅
#birthdaystream #birthday #birthdaygirl #twitchstreamer #kickstreamer #birthdayparty
#birthdayparty #kickstreamer #twitchstreamer #birthdaygirl #birthday #BirthdayStream
First birthday stream! Join me on April 27th for some totally lame birthday festivities. 😅 #twitchbirthday #birthdaystream #ThrowBackThursday #twitchstreamer #contentcreator #birthday
#birthday #contentcreator #twitchstreamer #ThrowBackThursday #BirthdayStream #twitchbirthday