> ... understandable in onlooking citizens only as a symptom of the moral flabbiness born of the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess Success. That—with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success—is our national disease. Hit it hard! Your book must have a great effect. Do you remember the glorious remarks about success in Chesterton’s “Heretics”?
- https://wordhistories.net/2019/01/17/bitch-goddess/
#WilliamJames on #BitchGoddess #Success #AmericanDisease #USADisease
#usadisease #americandisease #success #BitchGoddess #williamjames
> ... understandable in onlooking citizens only as a symptom of the moral flabbiness born of the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess Success. That—with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success—is our national disease. Hit it hard! Your book must have a great effect. Do you remember the glorious remarks about success in Chesterton’s “Heretics”?
- https://wordhistories.net/2019/01/17/bitch-goddess/
#WilliamJames on #BitchGoddess #Success #AmericanDisease #USADisease
#usadisease #americandisease #success #BitchGoddess #williamjames
> TOIL and grow rich,
What's that but to lie
With a foul witch
And after, drained dry,
To be brought
To the chamber where
Lies one long sought
With despair.
#Yeats, #poem #Success #WilliamJames #BitchGoddess #LordsOfWar #Lockheed #Raytheon
#raytheon #lockheed #LordsOfWar #BitchGoddess #williamjames #success #poem #yeats