Ivre, il lance #BlackAdam. Ceci a été réalisé par des professionnels, ne faites pas ça chez vous. Non mais vraiment, ne le regardez pas. Visuellement dégueulasse (bon après avoir vu Avatar 2, forcément...), Histoire incompréhensible. Et surtout, comme la Warner a annoncé un énième reboot DC, ce film, comme les futurs Shazam 2 et Aquaman 2, ne sert à rien. Oubliez. Vraiment.
#BlackAdam #BlackAdamMovie #cinema #WarnerBros #dcu
Just watched Black Adam and it was okay. To be honest, I'm just a sucker for super hero movies. My first super hero movie was Christopher Reeves' Superman and I was just hooked. People expect so much from these movies but I'm living my childhood dreams do why would I complain?
We watched #BlackAdamMovie this afternoon. I enjoyed it. I’m a sucker for a good superhero movie. And the cast was great.
Watched #BlackAdamMovie - some of it was really cool. But some of it was unnecessary. 6/10 for me