RT @pitchblacksteed@twitter.com
Sooo…for you ze Vorld Cup is over, ja?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/pitchblacksteed/status/1598609163638153216
It’s #RemembranceDay in Canada, and for the last few years I have made it my tradition to watch #Blackadder Goes Forth. The final episode is the most moving piece of art I have ever seen, and more befitting a remembrance of our fallen soldiers than any speech delivered by an officer or leader in front of a cenotaph.
Television shows I like:
#TheOffice (American)
#Deadwood #theexpanse #thewire #TedLasso #BlackAdder #TheWestWing #SlingsAndArrows #NYPDBlue #theoffice #fawltytowers #Fleabag #firefly #avatarthelastairbender