Concert des Black Angels à la Route du Rock 2023, St-Malo. Merci @artefr
#BlackAngels #live #concert #arte #laroutedurock
#BlackAngels #live #concert #arte #laroutedurock
The Black Angels - Young Men Dead
My friend TJ turned me onto the Black Angels when this album came out. Still one of my favorite bands. #BlackAngels #music #video
#BlackAngels #BlackIsntBlackAnymore
#music #musik #musique #musikken #musica
#WeAreTheRadio #SommesLaRadio #pouetradio #MastoRadio #TootRadio #FediRadio
#BlackAngels #blackisntblackanymore #Music #musik #musique #musikken #musica #wearetheradio #sommeslaradio #pouetradio #mastoradio #tootradio #fediradio
Shout-out to the following artists whose albums I really enjoyed this year, which didn't quite make my #5albums22...
#ManicStreetPreachers (a reissue, but so differently done it should count as new!)
There are probably a few more I've forgotten too!
#Music #MastodonMusic #bestalbums2022 #aoty2022 #ManicStreetPreachers #bigthief #LittleSimz #totallyenormousextinctdinosaurs #JohnnyMarr #kathrynwilliams #mansionair #AndyBell #timburgess #warpaint #Foals #thebeths #catelebon #BlackAngels #5albums22