#IBM promised to back off #facialrecognition during #BlackLivesMatter #protests— then it signed a $69.8 million contract to provide it
/he company denies its new government deal enables ‘general purpose’ #biometric #surveillance. #Humanrights advocates disagree
"IBM signed a $69.8 million contract with the British government to develop a national biometrics platform that will offer a facial recognition function to immigration and law enforcement officials." https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/31/23852955/ibm-uk-government-contract-biometric-facial-recognition
#ibm #facialrecognition #BlackLivesMatter #protests #biometric #surveillance #humanrights
Just reading about the white guy that shot black people basically because he didn't like black people. What tf ?
Just like the klan back in the day my grampa talks about! This shit still going on ?
What tf it's 2023 ! And they still say no need for BLM in 2023 ? Fking BLM mo relevant now than ever no cap #BlackMastadon #BlackLivesMatter 👊🏾
#BlackLivesMatter #BlackMastadon
"I Have a Dream"
is the title of a famous speech
by Martin Luther King
that he delivered
on August 28, 1963
at the
Washington March for Work & Freedom
in front of more than 250,000 people
in front of the Lincoln Memorial
in Washington, D. C.
Joe Biden: We must keep marching toward Dr. King’s dream
“On this day of remembrance, let us keep showing that racial equality isn’t just an aspiration.”
🎁 article, no paywall: https://wapo.st/3QUSjME
#Biden #MarchOnWashington #60thAnniversary #RacialJustice #RacialEquality #MLK #BlackLivesMatter
#BlackLivesMatter #MLK #RacialEquality #racialjustice #60thanniversary #marchonwashington #Biden
A white man fatally shot three Black people, then himself, at a #Jacksonville, #Florida, Dollar General store in what officials described as a hate crime. They were supporters of Donald Trump. #BlackLivesMatter
#BlackLivesMatter #Florida #jacksonville
#BLM should be shut down, not encouraged
#BLM #BlackLivesMatter #graffiti
I'm always reading on social media that black lives matter is a Marxist organization 🤔
I talk to my Grandpa who grew up in mississippi. He tells me about the racist shit he suffered.
Fk Marxist, BLM is just making sure black folk get treated with respect. What tf wrong with that ?
My Grandpa gets BLM . BLM is this generation Martin Luther King. 👊🏾
#BlackMastodon #BlackLivesMatter 💪🏾
#BlackLivesMatter #BlackMastodon
“Black women have long been the backbone of the Democratic Party. It was Black women who tried to deliver a Hillary presidency, with 94% voting for her compared with only 47% of white women. It was Black women who got Joe Biden elected and also insisted on a Black woman Vice President.”
#Democracy #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #blackwomen
Tragically, 9 years ago today, #MikeBrown's body laid on Canfield Drive in #Ferguson for 4.5 hours. That young man's death changed so many of our lives forever. May peace be upon him always.
Never Forget Mike Brown.
#OpFerguson justice for #MikeBrown #BlackLivesMatter #policebrutality
#policebrutality #BlackLivesMatter #OpFerguson #ferguson #mikebrown
Justice for #OshaeSibley!
This Friday in Brooklyn!
#BlackLivesMatter #justiceforoshaesibley #oshaesibley
“La profilazione razziale in Italia continua”: Asgi invia una segnalazione alle Nazioni Unite https://altreconomia.it/la-profilazione-razziale-in-italia-continua-asgi-invia-una-segnalazione-alle-nazioni-unite/ #ComitatodelleNazioniUniteperl'eliminazionedelladiscriminazionerazziale #profilazionerazziale #BlackLivesMatter #discriminazione #discriminazioni #racialprofiling #Attualità #razzismo #Nahel #razza #asgi
#comitatodellenazioniuniteperl #profilazionerazziale #BlackLivesMatter #discriminazione #discriminazioni #racialprofiling #attualita #razzismo #nahel #razza #asgi
#KKKops #CopsCommittingCrimes #NoJusticeNoPeace #BlackLivesMatter #SayTheirNames #CopsAreTerrorists
#CopsareTerrorists #SayTheirNames #BlackLivesMatter #nojusticenopeace #CopsCommittingCrimes #kkkops
Black fisherman repeatedly confronted by white neighbors, who ask what he’s doing there https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96310
“Gibson … said he has started videotaping every time one of the white residents in his 200-home development, Springwater Plantation, confronts him, asking for his address and questioning whether he should be there.”
#fishing #fishinglife #fishingwhileblack #georgia #outdoorafro #BlackLivesMatter #racism #RaceIssues #SouthernRacism #AfricanAmericans #civilrights
#fishing #fishinglife #fishingwhileblack #georgia #outdoorafro #BlackLivesMatter #racism #RaceIssues #southernracism #AfricanAmericans #civilrights
And, of course, when he used the National Guard & munitions against #BlackLivesMatter protesters in DC and around the nation in the summer of his re-election campaign in 2020, in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd. Again, for his political gain.
He has already done it. Taylor is ignoring that, which is par for the course for most of Trump's GOP critics.
From @cooltxchick on 🐦:
“The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman… changed my life. History matters. The scene where Cicely Tyson as Miss Jane, drinks from the water fountain was so profound. It was inspiring, emotional. It made me proud of the strides we made as a country, as people, & how much farther we could go if we kept moving in a positive direction. To see this nation moving backward in record time breaks my heart in so many ways…”
#HistoryMatters #BlackLivesMatter #blackhistory #Racism
🤖: It's a new day! TrickBot here with your daily #hachybots #BlogReminder. Yesterday, Trick made 7 posts on his #blog. Including posts about: #ushistory, #blackhistory & #blacklivesmatter.
Here's the day's archive for you to read: https://trickjarrett.com/2023-07-22.html
#hachybots #BlogReminder #blog #ushistory #BlackHistory #BlackLivesMatter