automattack · @automattack
81 followers · 335 posts · Server

If you missed @firestorm 's Black Metal Rainbows event, the recording is now on YouTube:

It was a great discussion on the queer and anti-fascist possibilities of black metal, followed by a Q&A.

#blackmetal #BlackMetalRainbows #antifascistblackmetal #fucknsbm

Last updated 2 years ago

automattack · @automattack
80 followers · 321 posts · Server

I attended @firestorm 's Nazi Black Metal Fvck Off! event last night. It was a great discussion with the editors, authors, and art director.

I keep thinking about... I can't believe people tolerate Nazis in the (black metal) scene. In the 1980s, when Nazi skinheads tried to infiltrate the punk scene, we made it perfectly clear they weren't welcome. We used violence if we had to. AFAIK, there is no longer a Nazi problem in "mainstream" punk, and hasn't been for decades.

I do appreciate the insights from the discussion last night though. Stanimir said something about not RE-claiming the space from Nazis (emphasis mine), because black metal is and always has been for the misfits, and outcasts. Rather, we should be *claiming* the space.

#blackmetal #fucknsbm #naziblackmetalfuckoff #BlackMetalRainbows

Last updated 2 years ago