🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #ZwarteRoodstaart
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Hausrotschwanz #Neuerburg #Eifel
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #BlackRedstart #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfTheFediverse
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RehekDomací
#phoenicurusochruros #rehekdomaci #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #BlackRedstart #eifel #Neuerburg #Hausrotschwanz #zwarteroodstaart
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #ZwarteRoodstaart #ZuidLimburg
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Hausrotschwanz
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #BlackRedstart
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RehekDomácí
#phoenicurusochruros #rehekdomaci #BlackRedstart #Hausrotschwanz #ZuidLimburg #zwarteroodstaart
Moin! #Palomino is a keen birder too ;-)
#BlackRedstart and #Stonechat sitting on the fence.
#Hawthorn in full bloom.
#SchleswigHolstein #Horses #HorsesOfMastodon #birds #Birding #Ponyhof #Pferde #Landleben
#palomino #BlackRedstart #stonechat #hawthorn #fridayfeeling #schleswigholstein #horses #horsesofmastodon #birds #birding #Ponyhof #pferde #landleben
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #ZwarteRoodstaart ZuidLimburg
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Hausrotschwanz
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #BlackRedstart
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RehekDomácí
#phoenicurusochruros #rehekdomaci #BlackRedstart #Hausrotschwanz #zwarteroodstaart
Some pictures from today's walk in the sun with @vivia.
Featuring a garden star-of-Bethlehem flower, a cherry plum tree in full bloom, a small black redstart and a shiny hooded crow looking towards the camera.
#Ornithogalum #StarOfBethlehem #CherryBlossom #CherryPlum #Blossom #Spring #BlackRedstart #BirdWatching #Birds #Crow #Thessaloniki #Greece
#ornithogalum #starofbethlehem #cherryblossom #cherryplum #blossom #spring #BlackRedstart #birdwatching #birds #crow #thessaloniki #greece
A set of photos from today's walk in the sun with @vivia. First day this year that I could walk outside with just a t-shirt.
This time the pictures feature a pair of round starlings, a cormorant with its catch (some kind of worm), a very fluffy black redstart and a cat that looked annoyed at us interrupting its sunbathing with our noises.
#BirdWatching #Birds #Photography #Starling #Cormorant #BlackRedstart #Cat #CatsOfMastodon #Thessaloniki #Greeee
#birdwatching #birds #photography #starling #cormorant #BlackRedstart #cat #catsofmastodon #thessaloniki #greeee
A visit to the Black redstarts in Cardiff Bay yesterday paid off in spades. The male was there and, at first I thought just 1 female (pictured) but, from my photos, I'm now sure there were 2 different females. There were 5 Black redstarts at this location at one point last winter so these may be returning birds. And, fingers crossed, more may yet return ...
#UKBirding #BirdsUK #CardiffBayBirding #BirdsUK #BlackRedstart
#BlackRedstart #cardiffbaybirding #BirdsUK #ukbirding
The highlight of today's wander around Cardiff Bay was watching this male Black redstart dotting about his winter patch, finding lots of tasty titbits, defending its area from a feisty male Stonechat.
A female has been seen as well but she wasn't showing while I was there today.
#birding #BirdsUK #BlackRedstart
#BlackRedstart #BirdsUK #birding
After I tooted its offspring a few days ago, here is one of the adult #BlackRedstart.
Its sitting in our cherry tree, while carefully watching me on the ground and warning everyone on the neighbourhood, that I'm about as dangerous as it gets. 😄
#BlackRedstart #photography #EyesOnNature
And I'm not alone, apparently this young #BlackRedstart wanted a delicious worm too. 😄
It's one of three youngsters who roam around our garden every day, waiting to get some food brought to them. And they are not quiet while waiting!
But that's fine, I love watching them and occasionally I get lucky with photos like this one. Although as soon as I step out into the garden, the parents start warning everyone that there's danger coming.
#BlackRedstart #photography #EyesOnNature