Report by @lastnotlost of London's cycle journey counters on Wednesday 6 Sept'23:
"#CS3Count #Embankment 12,633 cycle journeys so far today, 1,949,449 YTD (some missing days)
#CS6Count #Blackfriars Road 6,847 today/ 711,904 since the late April reboot. "
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#cs3count #Embankment #cs6count #Blackfriars #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Report by @lastnotlost of "London's cycle journey counters on Thursday 20 July 2023 during the evening commute:
#CS3Count #Embankment 11,045 cycle journeys today/ 1,546,061 so far this year with some offline days;
#CS6Count #Blackfriars Rd 6,319 today/ 483,232 since the late April reboot. "
#cs3count #Embankment #cs6count #Blackfriars
Nothing stated publicly by TfL and TrueForm Group but it appears from reports by and this week that the #CS6 #C6 cycle journey counter on #Blackfriars Road may have been rebooted.
It's been offline since August 2022.
#CS6Count #TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#CS6 #C6 #Blackfriars #cs6count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Introduction: crowd sourced pictures and reports of the cycle journey counters installed by #TransportForLondon #TfL on London's cycleways #CS3 Victoria Embankment and #CS6/#C6 #Blackfriars Road.
Since the totems were installed in February 2018, circa 15 million journeys have been counted and displayed by the two counters (when they have worked!) - over 10 million along #CS3, and over 4 million along #CS6
Regulars have used hashtags #CS3Count and #CS6Count on the birdsite to share reports.
#transportforlondon #tfl #cs3 #CS6 #Blackfriars #cs3count #cs6count