RT @BigM0h: @RookmakerDorien @Bagheri_Ali_ Thank you @RookmakerDorien for your support of Iranian people & @Maryam_Rajavi leadership to establish free, democratic republic in Iran
#BlacklistIRGC https://t.co/CUXIJDQBY2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RookmakerDorien/status/1661736013683920896
#FreeIran10PointPlan #No2ShahNo2Mullahs #BlacklistIRGC
RT @HanifJazayeri: 107 former world leaders today send joint letter to @JoeBiden @CharlesMichel @RishiSunak & @JustinTrudeau urging support for protesters in Iran
In open letter, ex-Presidents & Prime Ministers of 45 nations urge 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧🇨🇦 to support @Maryam_Rajavi's 10-point plan & #BlacklistIRGC https://t.co/8rBrzXhTno
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Ansip_EU/status/1661253393749524480
Reminder: Joe Biden diplomats trying to block UK plan to proscribe #Iran militias as terror group
Another page from Biden's book of "Iran Appeasement 101"
Because the Mullah's are the demon kids of the US!
#IRGCterrorists #BlacklistIRGC #iran
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1623716545078624256#m
#IranRevolution: House lawmakers sharpen message on Iran by asking Europe to cut ties
Congress sharpens its stance against Iran’s government as nuclear talks fail
#FreeIran2023 #IranRevolution #iran #BlacklistIRGC #OpIran #مهسا_امینی #سامان_یاسین
RT @Maryam_Rajavi: The Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC must be designated as terrorists, their agents must be prosecuted and deported, and their European citizenships must be revoked.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1618155931237482496
Mojgan Keshavarz, a women's rights activist in #Iran, faces the trumped-up charge of “corruption on earth,” which can carry the death penalty. #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#IRGCterrorists #BlacklistIRGC #crimesagainsthumanity #iran
RT @Peymaneh_Sh: EU Ministers Agree on New Package of Sanctions Against Iran
#BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1617515947409145857
#BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists #مرگ_بر_ستمگر_چه_شاه_باشه_چه_رهبر
RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: L’adoption de la résolution du Parlement européen & l’appel à l’UE de sanctionner et mettre les pasdarans, le Bassidj et la force Qods sur la liste terroriste sont une étape nécessaire dans la lutte contre le plus grand gouvernement terroriste &répressif au monde
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/giannagancia/status/1616103841073610752
RT @Mojahedineng: .@lukasmandl
#Iran's regime is a threat to its own people and the world. It is important to support the freedom movement within Iran & strengthen the sanctions on Tehran. This regime is morally rotten.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lukasmandl/status/1615473723838013458
#iran #BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists
RT @HeshmatAlavi: .@mcampomenosi
Our sanctions on #Iran are too timid. We need to sustain the struggle against Tehran's regime. We cannot be gifting the mullahs' regime. Another brave gesture would be to #BlacklistIRGC.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1615476778281181190
#iran #BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists
#Iran's regime has increased the budget of the IRGC by 131%. This means that its budget increased from 51 trillion tomans to 119 trillion tomans. #BlacklistIRGC
#CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #IranRevoIution
#IranRevoIution #WarCrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #BlacklistIRGC #iran
Iránský režim vraždí své odpůrce z řad veřejnosti. Svět nesmí nečinně přihlížet!
#StopExecutionsInIran #BlacklistIRGC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/stanislavpolcak/status/1606211972281688064
#stopexecutionsInIran #BlacklistIRGC