'An envious heart makes a treacherous ear.’ #DeZinVanHetBoek #TheEssenceOfTheBook
#BoekPerWeek 60/52 ★★★☆☆
A love story, a sad one. Am not a fan of the genre myself, but I could appreciate this one. Hurston wrote in the vernacular of her characters, while the backdrop tells of how Black Americans, especially women, struggled to make a living in the 1930s.
#Boeken @boeken
#Lezen #Read
#Classic #BlackLiterature
#dezinvanhetboek #TheEssenceOfTheBook #BoekPerWeek #boeken #bookstodon #lezen #read #classic #Blackliterature
Go Slow
Go slow, they say-
while the bite
Of the dog is fast.
Go slow, I hear-
While they tell me
You can't eat here!
You can't live here!
You can't work here!
Don't Demonstrate! Wait!-
While they lock the gate.
Am I supposed to be God,
Or an angel with wings
And a halo on my head
While jobless I starve to dead?
Am I supposed to forgive
And meekly live
Going slow, slow, slow,
Slow, slow, slow,
Slow, slow,
Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
#LangstonHughes #HarlemRenaissance #BlackLiterature
#langstonhughes #HarlemRenaissance #Blackliterature
The Pan African Ideal in Literatures of the Black World by Kofi Anyidoho
#Blackliterature, #PanAfricanism, #Africandiasporicliterature, #Africanliterature, #politicsofliterature, #literarystudies, #literarytheory, #literarycriticism
"An Inter-Faculty Lecture delivered at the University of Ghana, Legon on January 21, 1988"
#Blackliterature #panafricanism #africandiasporicliterature #AfricanLiterature #politicsofliterature #literaryStudies #literarytheory #literarycriticism
Tales of forgotten days
Unlock buried memories
African American art
#blackliterature #africanamerican #rediscovery #haiku #poetry
#Blackliterature #africanamerican #rediscovery #haiku #poetry
White people in this country will have quite enough to do in learning how to love themselves and each other, and when they have achieved this — which will not be tomorrow and may very well be never — the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed.
James Baldwin
The Fire Next Time
#literature #blackwriters #blackliterature
#Blackliterature #blackwriters #literature
One would never defeat one's circumstances by working and saving one's pennies; one would never, by working, acquire that many pennies, and, besides, the social treatment accorded even the most successful Negroes proved that one needed, in order to be free, something more than a bank account.
James Baldwin
The Fire Next Time
#literature #blackwriters #blackliterature
#Blackliterature #blackwriters #literature
I’m also interested in how writing spiritfirst in an industry that doesn’t really reckon with spirit places my work, but I know eye will always place it where it belongs, centered in spirit. My job is to hold that center, and as Morrison said, wait for the world to move over.
#ogbanje #igbo #africanliterature #Blackliterature #AkwaekeEmezi
"It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself."
—Ralph Ellison. Invisible Man (1952).
https://archive.org/details/invisibleman00elli/page/14/mode/1up?q=%22It+took+me+a+long+time%22&view=theater. #BlackLiterature #quotes #RalphEllison #InvisibleMan
#Blackliterature #quotes #RalphEllison #invisibleman
"Joseph Coelho & Jason Reynolds have plenty in common. Both are award-winning authors who are currently national representatives for children’s literature: earlier this year, Coelho became the UK children’s laureate, while Reynolds holds the equivalent role in the US... They are around the same age (Coelho is 42 and Reynolds is 38), both found a love for words through poetry, and both are Black writers"
#Children #Literature #BlackWriters
#BlackLiterature #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Blackliterature #blackwriters #literature #children
Not planning to do a lot of promotion - self or otherwise - on here, but my mother's latest #poetry collection (Pam Mordecai, A FIERCE GREEN PLACE) just received a very favourable mention in the California Review of Books and I'm very proud:
#CaribbeanPoetry #CaribbeanLiterature #BlackPoets #Blackliterature #literatureinenglish #Poetry
Engaging Drama in old Vancouver!
Our Second discussion of Junie by Chelene Knight!
Join us LIVE @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtu.be/L42cIqGDxsM
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #black #queer #LGBTQ #blackliterature
#Blackliterature #lgbtq #Queer #black #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
Great question! check out the "suggested reading" section here at Goldsmiths University of London's MA Black British Literature: https://www.gold.ac.uk/pg/ma-black-british-literature/
#BlackExcellence #BlackBrit #BlackLiterature
#BlackExcellence #blackbrit #Blackliterature
Finally bought something with the money my Dad sent me for my birthday.
Three of a series by Octavia Butler: DAWN, ADULTHOOD RITES, IMAGO.
#OctaviaButler #ScienceFiction #BlackExcellence #BlackFutureMonth #BlackLiterature
#octaviabutler #sciencefiction #BlackExcellence #BlackFutureMonth #Blackliterature
Our FIRST discussion of Junie by Chelene Knight!
Join the discussion LIVE with Avalon & Rory @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtu.be/NRq3F2rddNo
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #authorsofinsta #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #black #queer #LGBTQ #blackliterature
#Blackliterature #lgbtq #Queer #black #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #authorsofinsta #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
Notes on Mermaids and Passing As Human
Created half to rise, and half to fall;
Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled:
The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!
— Alexander Pope, “Essay on Man, Epistle II”
There’s much to say about the allegorical poten
#Enclaves:ABlackFemmeDreams #blackliterature #colorism #mermaids #passing #whitepassing
#Enclaves #Blackliterature #colorism #mermaids #passing #whitepassing
#TodayInFocus | #News | #TheGuardian
<p>Hosted by Nosheen Iqbal and Michael Safi, Today in Focus brings you closer to Guardian journalism. Combining personal storytelling with insightful analysis, this podcast takes you behind the headlines for a deeper understanding of the news, every weekday </p>
Today in Focus: Revisited: #Britain’s rich #history of #blackliterature https://www.theguardian.com/news/series/todayinfocus
#TodayInFocus #news #theguardian #britain #history #Blackliterature