@JessiCum @ubuntu @bradlinder @stdevel
#Apple at least has an #OS worth the #suffering!
Nobody buy #MacBooks for #Specs - that's just a lie by #Fanboys.
People buy it because #macOS is the least-painful option to use #creative #CCSS like the stuff that #Adobe, #Avid, #BlackmagicDesign and mamy more produce.
It's literally called #finalcutOS for a reason, because that shit works - just like #accessibility does: Nobody can touch Apple's macOS & #iOS on that front!
#iOS #Accessibility #finalcutos #BlackmagicDesign #avid #adobe #ccss #creative #macOS #fanboys #specs #macbooks #suffering #os #Apple
@mariusmichusch Dann würde ich mal #Blackmagicdesign und #EpicGames mal wegen ner entsprechenden #Linux-Unterstützung beackern.
Ich persönlich finde die #Ribbon-UI von #MicrosoftOffice absolut ineffizient und abstoßend, aber @libreoffice hat die auch für Leute die das unbedingt wollen.
Und dank @CollaboraOffice und @nextcloud gibt's eh kein Bedarf da was lokal zu installieren...
#microsoftoffice #ribbon #Linux #EpicGames #BlackmagicDesign
@FrownFactory yeah, #BlackmagicDesign needs to fix #Resolve and AFAIK ##Kdenlive still doesn't eat up DCI-4K footage at all or constantly craps itself out...
#kdenlive #resolve #BlackmagicDesign
@lime360 @alexibexi It basically aims at the same market, but I'd still think that for me as a #Windows-free #Linux user, I'll be better served with something from the likes of #BlackmagicDesign like their #AtemMiniPro which can stream shit directly at a lower price...
#atemminipro #BlackmagicDesign #Linux #Windows
@benjamineskola @marcan that's just one of many #CCSS (Commercial Close-Source Software)...
Besides #Adobe, #Apple themselves as well as a shitload of others (from #AVID to #Serif [#Affinity Suite] and from #Microsoft [#Office & #VisualStudio] to #BlackMagicDesign [#Resolve] as well as #Autodesk) do deliver CCSS for #macOS.
Software makes Operating Systems &
Operating Systems make Hardware.
#macOS #autodesk #resolve #BlackmagicDesign #visualstudio #office #Microsoft #Affinity #serif #avid #Apple #adobe #ccss
I started with an HDMI capture card that my department at work discarded. From there, the "infection" spread, lol.
Now I've got an ATEM Mini, the Black Magic Micro Cinema Camera, The Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, and the Speed Editor.
And of course, I moved from Adobe After Effects to Davinci Resolve Studio.
Just noticed, these file names from the camera have the date and time embedded in them. That's convenient.
#videography #camera #BMPCC #bmpccpro6k #BlackmagicDesign
Der frühe Streamer fängt den Kaffee ! #Work #stream #BlackmagicDesign
#BlackmagicDesign #Stream #Work
@drnfc @rooster I tried #Kdenlive and #OpenShot ages ago and they didn't handle anyting beyond 720p stable and tend to crap themselves out when fed anything above 1080p...
But that was in 2016...
I use #BlackmagicDesign #DaVinchi #Resolve which is #freemium, and works quite nice if given beefy hardware to stretch it's legs out.
There's a reason why https://explainingcomputers.com only uploads 720p to this day...
#freemium #resolve #davinchi #BlackmagicDesign #openshot #kdenlive
Trying out this instead of the #muskverse, just as much to reignite my love of social as the great exodus.
An intro to me!
I started #mordonwolf a few years back as a #VirtualProduction studio specifically designed for alternative content producers focused on disrupting by being agile and creative.
#UnrealEngine5 #mosys #BlackmagicDesign #mocap #XSens
#XSens #mocap #BlackmagicDesign #mosys #UnrealEngine5 #VirtualProduction #mordonwolf #muskverse
„Proxy Workflow“: FiLMiC ➝ Frame.io ➝ LumaFusion ➝ Final Cut Pro – iPhoneBlog.de
War da nicht was mit #blackmagicdesign und #dropbox damit sollte das auch klappen. Ist zwar noch #beta aber was soll’s. #adobe #finalcut #ios #macos #video #ipados #lumafusion #filmic #Shaarli💫 📱
#shaarli #filmic #lumafusion #ipados #video #macos #ios #finalcut #adobe #beta #dropbox #BlackmagicDesign