Hey here's my review of Blanc!
It's such a cute game, but there are some issues, and the lack of accessibility concerns me. BUT, I had a tonne of fun playing with my partner!
#blancgame #Blanc #gaming #gamereview
Bond girls are out and Blanc girls are in (as heroes). Their qualities...
1) They have low-key jobs that help people,
2) They're not there as arm candy or a love interest,
3) They're smart and resourceful, and
4) They have a lot going on just now.
This is the starting lineups for #ChristmasEve and #Christmas a pair of 2010’s bookend some nice #Champagne #Bubbles #Wine If wifey feels like more we’ve got a few bottles of #Ramonet #Blanc #Burgundy on the bench from 2015 ready to man up. Merry Christmas!
#Christmaseve #christmas #champagne #Bubbles #wine #ramonet #Blanc #burgundy
"O mon corps, fais de moi toujours un homme qui interroge !" (p. 188)
Peau noire, masques blancs. Frantz Fanon
#FrantzFanon #Fanon #noire #blanc #décolonisation #colonialisme #coffee
#frantzfanon #fanon #noire #Blanc #decolonisation #colonialisme #coffee
El proper dia 1 d’octubre, Dia Internacional de la Música, concert de piano a Brussel.les de la sabadellenca Laura Andrés a la Sala Le Bouche à Oreille. Interpretarà #blanc, reconegut als Premis @enderroc i avançarà temes del nou àlbum #Kintsugi, una història de resiliència.
French mayor wants Mont Blanc climbers to pay €15,000 rescue and funeral deposit | CNN Travel #french #mayor #wants #mont #blanc #climbers #€15000 #rescue #funeral #deposit #travel #5agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS90cmF2ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZS9tb250LWJsYW5jLXJlc2N1ZS1kZXBvc2l0L2luZGV4Lmh0bWw=
#5agosto #travel #deposit #funeral #rescue #climbers #Blanc #mont #wants #mayor #french
[Le Pré d'à côté] Deux visions de l’histoire: derrière les enjeux scientifiques, une lutte idéologique, par Antoine Leucha
#DeVilliers #Naudin #Blanc #histoire
▶️ https://www.lamuledupape.com/2021/04/20/deux-visions-de-lhistoire-derriere-les-enjeux-scientifiques-une-lutte-ideologique/
#DeVilliers #Naudin #Blanc #histoire