RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
RT @LateNightAFA
Round 2 of name-that-nazi: torch edition.
Site with some useful images: https://mavink.com/explore.php?q=unite+the+right+torch+rally https://twitter.com/LateNightAFA/status/1647876056819580928
#IEBlueShirtUTR #BlazerAviatorsUTR #braceletbandanautr #RichardSpencerUTR #LostGaugesUTR #ignitetheright
RT @UTRresearch
Lets say hello again to Woburn, MA (ex) police officer John Joseph Donnelly aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR. Or should we call him Johnny O’Malley, neo-Nazi security for Richard Spencer at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally?
RT @UTRresearch
Lets say hello again to Woburn, MA (ex) police officer John Joseph Donnelly aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR. Or should we call him Johnny O’Malley, neo-Nazi security for Richard Spencer at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally?
RT @UTRresearch@twitter.com
Lets say hello again to Woburn, MA (ex) police officer John Joseph Donnelly aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR. Or should we call him Johnny O’Malley, neo-Nazi security for Richard Spencer at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UTRresearch/status/1614791221687328768
RT @UTRresearch
Hello, Woburn police officer John Joseph Donnelly (33), aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR
Or should we call you Johnny O'Malley, neo-Nazi security for Richard Spencer at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally?
#IgniteTheRight #BLM #Boston https://twitter.com/letsgomathias/status/1609286380953165832
#BlazerAviatorsUTR #ignitetheright #blm #boston
RT @SunlightAFA@twitter.com
Former Woburn police officer John Joseph Donnelly (33), aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR Exposed
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SunlightAFA/status/1589191014966734848
RT @UnmaskUTR
NEW: Nazi cop John Donnelly as a state coordinator for Identity Evropa gathered intel on students, mayors, federal agencies, and NGOs, which was then sent to fascist collaborators for tracking and actioning.
#BlazerAviatorsUTR #ignitetheright
They say cops and klan go hand in hand because they do.
RT @UnmaskUTR
Hello, Woburn police officer John Joseph Donnelly (33), aka #BlazerAviatorsUTR
Or should we call you Johnny O'Malley, neo-Nazi security for Richard Spencer at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally?
Wondering why you're all over the news? 🤔👋
#IgniteTheRight #BLM #Boston
#BlazerAviatorsUTR #ignitetheright #blm #boston