Ken has terrible money management. He'll spend the clothing portion of his monthly allowance on figures. He'll spend the food portion on merch. And he'll go the entire month eating bread for lunch and wearing worn-out underclothes.
#blendinken #shota #oc #underwear
#BlendInKen #shota #oc #underwear
POV: You invite the weird kid in class to his first high school party, and when you come to get him hes dressed like this. Yes, those are temporary tats on his arm they cost him $1.50 from a coin machine.
#blendinken #shota #oc
POV: You invite the weird kid in class to his first high school party, and when you come to get him hes dressed like this. Yes, those are temporary tats on his arm they cost him $1.50 from a coin machine.
#blendinken #shota #oc
An observation during Ken's routine wellness check. Since he lives alone and does stupid stuff he's required to be checked by an agent twice a month.
#BlendInKen #oc #shota #ass #ショタ
The things he learns through his child-proofed internet
#shota #BlendInKen #briefs #oc
#shota #BlendInKen #briefs #oc
Ken gets an allowance and is left to his own devices and unfortunately he tends to put his wants before his needs.
#shota #oc #blendinken
I drew this about 2 months ago but yeah once Ken falls asleep nothing can wake him up. One of his "guardians" has a huge crush on him and goes to town when Kens asleep.
#BlendInKen #Oc #shota #somno #somnophilia #sleep #briefs #grope
#BlendInKen #oc #shota #somno #somnophilia #sleep #briefs #grope
I have over 60 random doodles and sketches of Ken saved up that id previously only shared with friends. Ken is somewhat complicated and has a lot of back story and complications compared to my other characters so I wasnt sure if id introduce him with a comic or a little bio thing.
Anyway hes somno bait. When Ken uses his ability too much he goes into this state of deep sleep where nothing can wake him up for 8 to 10 hours.
New OC just dropped,
This is Ken. He's an otaku who's been raised by secret agents due to him having psychic abilities. Usage of his psychic abilities are prohibited unless hes doing work for the agency. Second set of images is him begging pne of the agents to give him a later bed time so he can stay up and watch some anime special. The request was denied.