Successfully switched an old #Google #Stadia #controller over to bluetooth mode. The info on the google site was very well done, including button-placement, meaning I could do this without sighted help. Tested #BlindDrive with it. Worked really well. That is the first time I've personally ever used a controller on #windows. Since I got Stadia for free, I'd call that a win.
#google #stadia #controller #BlindDrive #windows
The Weekspot podcast: #030: night knights - #ThePCGamingWeekspot #GothamKnights #Blockbuster #SquareEnix #BlindDrive #Everhood #Podcast #Feature #Adios #Indie #Video
#ThePCGamingWeekspot #GothamKnights #blockbuster #squareenix #BlindDrive #Everhood #podcast #feature #Adios #indie #video