Three birds is my parent's yard this morning.
A Blue-faced Honeyeater, a tiny Brown Honeyeater, and a pair of Spangled Drongos.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #BlueFacedHoneyeater #BrownHoneyeater #SpangledDrongo
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #BlueFacedHoneyeater #brownhoneyeater #spangleddrongo
I sometimes wonder how they came up with the names they gave birds... Anyway here's a Blue-faced Honeyeater. Taken at Lightning Ridge north west NSW Australia in June. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #NSW #Australia #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #nsw #australia #BlueFacedHoneyeater
Busy Blue-faced Honeyeaters this morning. They are taking turns eating sap from a broken palm fruit-spray.
The juvenile though is complaining and making do with licking sap that has dropped on a palm frond husk below.
#bird #nature #photo #AustralianWildlife #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#BlueFacedHoneyeater #AustralianWildlife #photo #nature #bird
This female satin bowerbird decided that the sweet treats to be found in the Cocos Palm next to our house were all hers and decided to push home the point.
Unfortunately for her, the Blue-faced Honeyeater had friends, who not long after this altercation, came to help and the bowerbird lost her dominance.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #SatinBowerbird #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#BlueFacedHoneyeater #SatinBowerbird #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
King Parrots, cockatoos and juvenile Blue-faced Honeyeaters were the order of the day today. (also a Currawong, not pictured).
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #KingParrot #SulphurCrestedCockatoo #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#BlueFacedHoneyeater #SulphurCrestedCockatoo #kingparrot #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Some of the birds outside at home today. Some Blue-faced Honeyeaters (and a juvenile with a greeny-yellow face), and some Variegated Fairywrens.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #VariegatedFairywren #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#BlueFacedHoneyeater #VariegatedFairywren #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Blue-faced Honeyeaters were out this morning.
#Bird #nature #photo #AustralianWildlife #BlueFacedHoneyeater
#BlueFacedHoneyeater #AustralianWildlife #photo #nature #bird