Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 18.325195 Long: 166.860352
DSCOVR position - x: 1338472.580931 y: 668094.915509 z: 492342.075
"In der Zwischenzeit wird die Sonne weiter auf- und untergehen. Dabei werden unzählige Meeresbewohner dem Rhythmus von Licht und Dunkelheit folgen, sich ernähren, Stoffwechselprodukte ausscheiden und das ökologische Gleichgewicht auf unserem Planeten maßgeblich beeinflussen."
Die Bedeutung der tagesperiodischen Vertikalwanderungen des Phyto- und Zooplanktons in den Ozeanen ⬇️
#GaiaHypothesis #thereisnoplanetb #motherearth #BlueMarble
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 17.028809 Long: 13.183594
DSCOVR position - x: 1370910.77692 y: 593513.811359 z: 454745.2375
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 17.102051 Long: -40.83252
DSCOVR position - x: 1369935.525 y: 595953.753198 z: 456039.61183
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 16.413574 Long: 6.811523
DSCOVR position - x: 1383462.231481 y: 561362.376141 z: 437275.490069
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 16.296387 Long: 169.006348
DSCOVR position - x: 1386255.348029 y: 554058.250998 z: 433194.829754
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 15.812988 Long: -37.229004
DSCOVR position - x: 1395025.133333 y: 530871.795834 z: 419972.720997
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 15.036621 Long: 73.820801
DSCOVR position - x: 1409105.076834 y: 492914.537033 z: 397480.391667
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 14.86084 Long: -146.784668
DSCOVR position - x: 1411459.406626 y: 486460.088154 z: 393557.836905
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 14.72168 Long: 42.451172
DSCOVR position - x: 1414651.779649 y: 477641.907094 z: 388156.113743
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 13.92334 Long: 36.027832
DSCOVR position - x: 1426597.819742 y: 443717.048191 z: 366954.497149
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 13.447266 Long: 94.987793
DSCOVR position - x: 1433481.377415 y: 423204.776501 z: 353850.976563
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 13.26416 Long: -116.271973
DSCOVR position - x: 1435887.193908 y: 415805.031748 z: 349078.414503
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 12.51709 Long: 104.86084
DSCOVR position - x: 1445024.518902 y: 386234.999999 z: 329798.045753
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 12.839355 Long: -138.376465
DSCOVR position - x: 1441258.097047 y: 398742.013824 z: 337991.140906
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 12.355957 Long: -113.430176
DSCOVR position - x: 1447172.6875 y: 378860.816013 z: 324943.537501
#ac1 #aachen1 #az1 #live1 #bluemarble #ciconia Ciconia (Madrid) + Blue Marble (AC)
#AC1 #aachen1 #az1 #live1 #BlueMarble #ciconia
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 11.037598 Long: 174.89502
DSCOVR position - x: 1461167.34375 y: 324409.004299 z: 288629.783373
Blue Marble photo of the day #BlueMarble
This image was taken by NASA's EPIC camera onboard the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft
Centroid coordinates - Lat: 10.678711 Long: 91.691895
DSCOVR position - x: 1464502.993867 y: 308843.848958 z: 278136.920366