Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Twenty-Three: COOLEST Looking RPG Product/Book
How can you pick one when there have been so many?
I can share a few in images.
#StarWars #WestEndGames #VampireTheMasquerade #WhiteWolf #BlueRose #GreenRonin
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #starwars #westendgames #VampireTheMasquerade #whitewolf #BlueRose #GreenRonin
Romantic' refers to a style and a point of view that's generally positive, hopeful, and cooperative.
#ttrpg #bluerose
Reorganized my #TTRPG shelves again.If I cannot regularly play RPGs, I guess I can organize and plan. (I'd rather be playing.)
#RPG #Genesys #StarWarsEdgeOfTheEmpire #DnD5e #Pathfinder2e #WorldWideWrestling #ICONS #GIJoe #Transformers #Twilight2000 #Alien #BlueRose #DnD4e #BattleTech #StarTrek #StarTrekAdventures #StarWars #StarWarsWEG
#ttrpg #rpg #Genesys #StarWarsEdgeOfTheEmpire #dnd5e #pathfinder2e #worldwidewrestling #icons #gijoe #transformers #Twilight2000 #alien #BlueRose #dnd4e #battletech #startrek #startrekadventures #starwars #starwarsweg
A couple of games of #LiminalRPG today at #7HillsRPG. One I ran myself this morning as a replacement (Ghosts of Glencoe) that ran short but the players seemed to enjoy it and one run by @SavageSpiel. This latter one was a great investigation with really interesting PCs. Great fun 👍
Picked up the #RootRPG after yesterday's game and won the #BlueRose Quickstart in the raffle. Looking forward to giving them a read/run out.
#liminalrpg #7hillsrpg #RootRPG #BlueRose #ttrpg #rpg
I did a series of TikToks on other RPGs today. If you want to see some quick overviews head on over and watch at MasterTheGameRP on TikTok. #ogl #wotc #dnd #othergames #ttrpg #tiktok #fantasyage #genesys #ffgstarwars #pathfinder #heroesunlimited #paizo #palladiumbooks #strangemachinegames #superage #agepast #bluerose #dragonage #GreenRoninPublishing #savageworlds #peginc
#ogl #wotc #DnD #othergames #ttrpg #tiktok #fantasyage #Genesys #FFGStarWars #pathfinder #HeroesUnlimited #paizo #palladiumbooks #strangemachinegames #superage #agepast #BlueRose #dragonage #greenroninpublishing #savageworlds #peginc
@WizardsRespite If I'm going to be bitter about things, I'll say... Legends of Grayskull.
Answering in the spirit of the question... #BlueRose
@GurglingGrout love it!
Most recently played:
1. #HauntedWest
2. #SavageWorlds
3. #MageTheAscension
4. #13thage
5. #Zweihander
(And ofc, #DnD )
Want to play:
1. #Alternity
2. #TinyD6
3. #Blackhack
4. #Cortex
5. #BlueRose
#HauntedWest #savageworlds #magetheascension #13thage #Zweihander #DnD #alternity #tinyd6 #blackhack #cortex #BlueRose