Got something new for you all to try out - DaynaPORT network emulation for your #RetroMac! Get your Mac Plus or PowerBook online and surf the information super highway like it's 1990!
#retromac #BlueSCSI #vcf #vcfwest #vintagecomputing #VintageMac
The newer, smaller #BlueSCSI V2 DB25 is now announced. It's 32% smaller, with termination always enabled.
"Let’s turn this SE/30 into an absolute monster!"
Watch polymatt max out his SE/30 with a #BlueSCSI v2, 040 card, and more!
500 followers! Thanks everyone for supporting and following us! Lots of good things coming soon so stay tuned!
Also if you star the project on github it only takes a second and it's a nice way to show you like us there too!
New #BlueSCSI **v1** release!
Better support for Apple II SCSI cards and a few other items, check the release notes!
> (...) this has been a fairly short guide to the #BlueSCSI v2 but there's really not much else to say about it other than well, it just works. It's very easy to use as well and I'm very pleased with it.
> If you need a solid state SCSI alternative for your #Amiga the BlueSCSI v2 seems to do the job very well.
Not just for Macs anymore!
New #BlueSCSI v2 release!
6 contributors, tons of new features and fixes, check it out and let us know how it works.
#VintageComputing #VintageMac #retrocomputing #RetroMac
#BlueSCSI #vintagecomputing #VintageMac #retrocomputing #retromac
#BlueSCSI is your independence from closed hardware, expensive SCSI solutions!
A few of our US sellers are running an Independence week sale! Save a few bux this week from @TechByAndroda, @MuseumJoe, @nulleric, and others! Find them at ($10 off assembled, $5 off kits)
Remember you can always build them yourself too!
Trying Out #BlueSCSI On SPARCStations! V1 & V2
- Jamie's Hack Shack!
#BlueSCSI #vintagecomputing #sparc #sparcstation
This weeks batch of #BlueSCSI going out now. Lots of soon to be happy #VintageMac and #retropc!
#BlueSCSI #VintageMac #retropc
With apologies for the wait, I present the latest #BlueSCSI V2 connector style: Centronics 50 Pin
It costs a touch more than standard models, but these connectors can be very pricey. Stock counts are low for now, with more on order.
Printing a bunch of #BlueSCSI cases for the people picking up V2's this week!
JDW has created a YouTube video of our SCSI RIDER build and the @BlueScsi V1 vs V2 benchmark.
#KerosMacMods #BlueSCSI #Macintosh
#macintosh #BlueSCSI #KerosMacMods
JDW has created a YouTube video of our SCSI RIDER build and the @BlueScsi V1 vs V2 benchmark.
#KerosMacMods #BlueSCSI #Macintosh
#macintosh #BlueSCSI #KerosMacMods
New Video! 👇🏻
My Apple Macintosh LC III restore video has been posted, in which I:
✅ Install a #BlueSCSI w/ Classic Mac OS 7.6.1
✅ Service a floppy drive
✅ Get an Apple IIe Card working
✅ Install an FPU chip
#maclc #retrocomputing #VintageApple #MARCHintosh #BlueSCSI
#BlueSCSI I have just completed and tested 10 BlueSCSI v2 DB25. I will keep some but want to offer the overstock for sale. How do I do that with the blessing of the BlueSCSI copyright holders? I do not want official reseller status, 10 boards was just JLCPCB's price sweet spot, so I ordered 10.
I am located in continental Europe.