NBC News projects House is 219 R / 216 D +- 13(!?!)
#BlueTsunami2022 #redtrickle #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
💙 Know your rights when VOTING today. If you’re in line when polls close, stay in line you have the right to vote. Election Protection Hotline: 866-687-8683 💙aclu.org #VoteBlue2022 #BlueTsunami2022
#BlueTsunami2022 #VoteBlue2022
It's not too late! #GoVoteNOW #VoteBlueToday
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY! Bring friends and family to vote if you can!
#VoteBlue #VoteBeto #VoteBlueToProtectYourRights #VoteBlueToEndTheInsanity #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBetoToSaveTexas #BlueTsunami2022 🌊🌊🌊
When: TODAY 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
* Note: If you are in line before 7:00 PM, they must allow you to vote. Stay in line.
* However, it's recommended to go earlier in the day as after 5:00 PM is when people tend to go after work or school - making the late afternoon/evening at the voting locations the busiest.
Where: You must vote at a location in the county in which you are registered:
1. Dallas County:
Election Day voting locations: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7d738046877842e189c34920c6b413b1
Vote at any location listed for Dallas County
2. Tarrant County:
Election Day voting locations: https://www.tarrantcounty.com/content/dam/main/elections/2022/1122/locations/1122_Vote_Center_Locations.pdf
Vote at any location listed for Tarrant County
3. Collin County:
Election Day voting locations: https://www.collincountytx.gov/elections/election_information/Pages/pollinglocations.aspx?electionId=41&scheduleType=ed&electionDesc=November%208,%202022%20General%20and%20Special%20Election
Vote at any location listed for Collin County
4. Denton County:
Find your Election Day voting location: https://www.votedenton.gov/voter-information/voter-lookup
Must vote at your specific precinct
What to Bring: an accepted form of ID, such as a drivers license.
List of acceptable ID's: https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_ID_in_Texas.
* NOTE: You are not required to bring your voter registration card. All North Texas voting locations are automated and they can look up your status with a valid ID (from the list in the link above).
What are we voting on: Many statewide offices (Governor of Texas, etc...), and numerous local races.
Look up your sample ballot here: https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2022/texas-ballot-2022-midterm-election-nov-8
#votebluetoday #voteblue #votebeto #votebluetoprotectyourrights #votebluetoendtheinsanity #votebluetosavedemocracy #VoteBetoToSaveTexas #BlueTsunami2022 #GoVoteNOW
republicans are all talk if its one thing i saw during trump they never had a plan
-after everything i seen with Gas & Inflation and Student Bills was republicans all voted against tit
* which means there PLAN is not for Americans middle class and low income its for the rich only
RT @JamesTate121@twitter.com
#BlueTsunami2022 Same thing with gas prices and baby formula, they blocked both of these bills while blaming democrats for the problems.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamesTate121/status/1589992586055675904
RT @TheUSASingers@twitter.com
People of America,
If there was ever a time to Vote Blue, now is it.
Prove the polls wrong, prove the media wrong, prove Putin wrong, prove Elon Musk wrong.
Reject fascism, reject greed.
Vote Blue to save America.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheUSASingers/status/1589825401769320448
#BlueTsunami2022 #BlueWave2022 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY! It’s time to get out and vote for Democrats down the ballot. Text VOTE to 43367 to find your polling location! #GOTV #ElectionDay #BlueTsunami2022
#gotv #electionday #BlueTsunami2022
Hey #Dems4USA let’s fly our flag again with pride. Don’t let maga co-opt it. We are #patriots
#Dems4USA #patriots #BlueTsunami2022
The #BlueTsunami2022 tweets are all so cheerful and rah rah rah lets go dems
I'm more on the "we are doomed best and cursed and doomed at worst train."
Dowsed drowned and ready to no.
Join me in angst ridden grumpy voting.
You don't have to be happy about it to get it done.
RT @SteveRustad1@twitter.com
Complicit in mass shootings.
Innocent blood on their hands.
Over and over again.
Vote Republicans out . . . every fucking one of them.
#ElectionDay #BlueTsunami2022 #VoteBlueTomorrow #MerrickGarland Murderer Republican Congress Fired Independent Whoopi Yevgeny Prigozhin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SteveRustad1/status/1589713111007006722
#merrickgarland #votebluetomorrow #BlueTsunami2022 #electionday