28) Scariest #TTRPG played
Bluebeard's Bride
A supernatural horror RPG based on the French folk tale about a young womam who marries a rich older man whose previous wives have all vanished. It symbolically explores issues of feminine horror like misogyny, domestic violence, body image, beauty standards, sexual abuse, etc. It's rare for me to feel fear bleed through a game, but this one can do it. Running with safety tools is imperative.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #BluebeardsBride #pbta #magpiegames
23. I mentioned how gorgeous #BluebeardsBride was last week (https://dice.camp/@davej/110897281421581064), and both #VampireTheMasquerade and #ChangelingTheDreaming were cases of love at first sight. But one #TTRPG that I don’t think gets enough attention is #Aquelarre.
Its mechanics are fairly straightforward #BRP, and Reconquista-era Spain appeals to the history buff in me, but the art is really where it shines: faux-mediaeval portraiture rendered in vivid colour. Just beautiful.
#BluebeardsBride #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #ttrpg #aquelarre #brp #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #vtm #ctd
16. There are lots of games I wish I owned in hardcopy that lack of space or money forced me to buy in electronic form, like #YellowKingRPG or #UnknownArmies3e. That said, though, I’d love to own a hardcopy of #BluebeardsBride (https://magpiegames.com/pages/bluebeards-bride). I don’t see myself ever playing it again, and I’ll never run it, but the books are just so damn *beautiful.* #RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023 #TTRPG
#YellowKingRPG #unknownarmies3e #BluebeardsBride #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg
Ok so hear me out: a scenario where agents are called in to investigate the estate of a late eccentric billionaire who had a habit of dying all of his hair in various intensifies of ultramarine. They go through the house, which leads them deeper into the depths of the depravities endured and/or enjoyed by the women here.
Call it Delta Blue. #deltagreen #BluebeardsBride
@The_Strix The whole #Feminism anthology (both the original and the extended version) is on the syllabus. I was happy to get a chance to play more of the games.
#BluebeardsBride is still sitting on my shelf unplayed, but now I want to take it to the table soon. I love that through the #TransformativeGames course I both get to revisit unplayed games from my list and discover completely new things. We also read your work on #EgoBleed and I got to discover Doris Rusch's work on Making Deep Games.
#feminism #BluebeardsBride #transformativegames #egobleed
What are some of your favorite #IndieTTRPGs
Some of my favs
#indieTTRPGs #Spire #bladesinthedark #BluebeardsBride #monsteroftheweek #Vaesen