Just another picture from the party, held in a forest just south of Stockholm. Behind the DJ booth you can see the banner of БОАК (Combat organization of anarcho-communists).
#БОАК #BOAK #rave #Stockholm
The anarcho-communist of #BOAK greet the latest "blow to Putinism" that is bringing Russia's war home to the regions of Bryansk and Belgorod:
https://t.me/b_o_ak/32412 🏴
"Yesterday's raid ... sparked jubilation among Ukrainians and among many Belarusians and Russians critical of post-Soviet tyrannies. Even if the [extreme-right] views of the RDK [Russian Volunteer Corps] participants in the operation are unacceptable
strengthening friendship between peoples is necessary to tear out the festering abscesses of authoritarian regimes that sow wars and enmity, such as the regime of Putin in Russia or Erdogan in Turkey. ...
Opposition to Putinism can and should be an international affair."
The anarcho-communist of #BOAK greet the latest "blow to Putinism":
https://t.me/b_o_ak/32412 🏴
"Yesterday's raid on the Bryansk region sparked jubilation among Ukrainians and among many Belarusians and Russians critical of post-Soviet tyrannies. Even if the [extreme-right] views of the RDK [Russian Volunteer Corps] participants in the operation are unacceptable ...
strengthening friendship between peoples is necessary to tear out the festering abscesses of authoritarian regimes that sow wars and enmity, such as the regime of Putin in Russia or Erdogan in Turkey. ...
Opposition to Putinism can and should be an international affair."
Saatanan kusirunkku-paskiaiset!
Ton ja lukuisten muiden vastaavien iskujen takana on anarkokommunistinen BOAK sissiliike, ollu jo koko saatanan sodan ajan!
Voisitte ees saatana mainita heidät ton Kremlin oman väitteen sijaan!
Vittu te ootte paskoja teidän duunis
Vetäkää käteen, saatanan juntit!
Soundtrack for running from cops after sabotaging Russian railways :3
#Boak #russia #anarchism #hardbass #fckptn
Dringende Empfehlung:
Guckt die neue Doku von Popular Front (https://www.popularfront.co/)
zu den Partisanen der Anarcho-Kommunistischen Kampforganisation #BOAK in ihrem Kampf gegen den russischen Staat und seinen Krieg in der #Ukraine
Dringende Empfehlung:
Guckt die neue Doku von Popular Front (https://www.popularfront.co/)
zu den Partisanen der Anarcho-Kommunistischen Kampforganisation #BOAK in ihrem Kampf gegen den russischen Staat und seinen Krieg in der #Ukraine
Russisch verzet tegen Poetin groeit.
#popularfront #Boak #Ukraine #russia
Video about Russian Anarcho-Communist saboteurs and partisans, fighting Russia's war machine.
Just go and watch it!
#Russia #FCKPTN #antifascism #anarchism #Sabotage #PopularFront #BOAK
#russia #fckptn #antifascism #anarchism #sabotage #popularfront #Boak
Hallo Freiheitsliebende Menschen,
Russische #Anarchist*innen kämpfen sehr praktisch gegen den #Autoritarismus - und ich finde wir alle sollten davon wissen:
#PopularFront: 166. Russia's Anarchist Partisans Fighting #Putin from Within
Webseite der Episode: https://www.patreon.com/popularfront
Mediendatei: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/popularfront/166.mp3?dest-id=687902
#BOAK haben auch eine eigene Webseite. https://boakeng.noblogs.org/
Auch Aktionen gegen Stalinist*innen werden dort gefeiert.
#Boak #putin #popularfront #autoritarismus #anarchist
:commie: :riot: :antifa_100: :praxis_100: :trantifa:the #Anarcho - #Communist Combat Organization (#БОАК)
affiliate, Glaz Okta, attacked a military enlistment office in Bashkortostan Republic, #Russia, using Molotov cocktails
#Ukraine #true #Anarchist ##BOAK #antifasism #antinazi #antiimperialism #PutinHitler #SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine #StandWithUkraineNOW
#anarcho #communist #БОАК #russia #ukraine #true #Anarchist #Boak #antifasism #antinazi #antiimperialism #PutinHitler #SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine #StandWithUkraineNOW
RT @PotempkinBrain@twitter.com
🇷🇺🏴Anarchist guerrilla group and #BOAK/#БОАК affiliate, Glaz Okta, attacked a military enlistment office in Bashkortostan Republic, #Russia, using Molotov cocktails 1/:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PotempkinBrain/status/1590803013064863744