Découvrir un jeu de société via sa version en ligne sur BoardGameArena est rarement efficace dans mon cas. Je mets paradoxalement davantage de temps à bien comprendre ses règles qu'avec le même jeu en carton.
#BoardGameArena #pratiquebga #j2s
De l'importance de la prise de notes dans une partie de #j2s sur #boardgamearena en tour par tour… (#Arknova forever)
Sligthly obsessed by the Earth boardgame (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/350184), been trying it out at BGA and finds it extremely intriguing and thematically engrossing.
It is sailing high up on the must-buy list, but I have seen that the Kickstarter version have had production quality problems. So I hope for a second printing for the stores (and I hope there will be a retailer version).
(And of course my brain have started to reskin and hack).
#boardgames #BoardGameArena
Played the awesome little game, #TheBoss on 2023-03-13 with 2 players on #BoardGameArena. Winning score: 16 #bgstats
#theboss #BoardGameArena #BGStats
It took a year and a half of playing multiple games with total strangers every single day before I had an actual unpleasant interaction with someone on #BoardGameArena .
That's... pretty damn good. And when it did happen, it wasn't bigotry, just poor sportsmanship.
So I indicated I wouldn't like to play with them again, and poof! They're gone from my universe.
Kind of the dream of online interaction moderation, really.
Periodic post seeking #BoardGame mastos on #BoardGameArena!
Currently playing a ton of these but up
for playing just about anything. Same username over there, always happy to make friends!
#boardgame #BoardGameArena #thecastlesofburgundy #TickettoRide #takenoko #tokaido #cantstop #6nimmt #patchwork #afeastforodin #stoneage #seasons #parks
#BoardGameArena is doing the amazing work of introducing me to new games which then I end up buying in physical form: Kingdomino, 7 Wonders Duel, Castles of Burgundy, Sea Salt & Pepper preorder ... What will be the next? (Probably Lost Seas)
Ooh, trophies are very common on #BoardGameArena but this one seemed worth sharing.
(Yes, indeed, I should be working rather than checking out what the BGA Winter Calendar has brought today.)
Better do one of these introduction thingos.
In my 50s living in #tasmania trying out this Mastodon thing as an alternative to the birdsite.
Husband. Father of a teenage boy. Servant to a 17 year old Jack Russell.
Interested in the following topics:
Currently back in to playing #lotro with some friends, making use of the lifetime subscription I paid for 15 years ago!
#tasmania #boardgames #BoardGameArena #homeassistant #homeautomation #3dprinting #csharp #programming #lotro
Any #BoardGame mastos want to play with me on #BoardGameArena ? Same username over there. I'll play pretty much anything at least once, from silly casuals to gnarly, sprawling epics (except chess, nothankyouplease).
I'm a good sport who enjoys playing whether I win or lose, and enjoy playing with others of the same mentality. 🎲
@bardplaysgames I love #TableTopGames - got really into them a few years ago. And I play on #BoardGameArena when I can't play in person. Love Castles of Burgundy, Carcassonne, Isle of Cats, Hive, Jaipur, Love Letter, Quacks of Quedlinburg
#tabletopgames #BoardGameArena