Fajn dopoledne na vodě. Je hezky, takže je docela rušno. Potkal jsem kolesový parník Labe a Porta Bohemika jela taky okolo. Trochu jsem si začal hrát s myšlenkou ovládání relátek, jako třeba že by po spuštění systému se automaticky pustil blower, nebo když je tma tak bych rozsvítil navigační světla. #boat #Boating @sunseeker27
#Skipper update! I've updated app to v11 @avaloniaui and it works like charm! I'm experimenting with Nuke build to give automatic release options and I was testing experimental iOS build! #SignalK powered, build with #dotnet and done for #Boating by #boater 😀
#Skipper #SignalK #dotnet #Boating #boater
Dneska jsme na loď nejeli kvůli tomu vedru, ale ta teplota v kokpitu je fakt mazec. Jenom si říkám, jestli ten čip co tam komunikuje je na takovou teplotu stavěný. Teplotu kokpitu to bohužel nerekflektuje, protože senzor je skrytý v konstrukci, která je nerezová a tudíž podstatně víc ohřívá senzor oproti teplotě vzduchu. Budu ho muset nějak vytáhnout ven, aby to bylo víc vypovídající. #Boating #SignalK #Skipper
#Skipper is awesome. I'm working on making #SignalK notifications more usable and allow the user to change the color of value/gauge if something is wrong. This is very important as the user can quickly know if anything goes wrong with the boat and can react. #boating #app
#Skipper #SignalK #Boating #app
tak a je hotovo, kotevní vrátek je zase plně funkční! Kamarád mi udělal repase všeho, co bylo potřeba, hlavně ložisek a včera jsme dodělali napojení elektriky, která potřebovala překopat + nová tlačítka na ovládání na trupu. Tak už jenom umýt, naleštit do instalovat nový systém (Raspberry CM4 + 4G modem) a šup do vody! #boating #hobby #fun
My boat with my truck, on the way to friend's place to get it ready for season 🙌 #Boating #Boat @sunseeker27
Yesterday evening I was able to get AIS working over the WiFi, it basically reads #NMEA0183 data via UART and sends them via UDP to server. Now I need to do some power source as it need to be powered by boat 12V power system. Here is dAISy HAT at the top of ESP32 One, few HW hacks required and Serial2 configuration of HAT had to be enabled, but it works! #Boating #SignalK #SensESP
#NMEA0183 #Boating #SignalK #sensesp
#Skipper project update, new version adds new control called HorizontalBar that shows value and bar with defined minimum and maximum value. Also user can define where to put new controls into Stack! Latest version runs much better on #Android as it's built with latest @avaloniaui preview6! #SignalK #Boating
#Skipper #android #SignalK #Boating
#Skipper project update. Skipper now supports editing Grid's rows and columns via property editor. User can change proportional size of each row or column. User can add or remove both rows and columns in grid. Minor change is that user can now enable page editing from page list menu. #SignalK #Boating #Avalonia Built with @avaloniaui!
#Skipper #SignalK #Boating #avalonia
#Skipper project update...added a home button showing all user pages and settings in one full-screen menu. Also, users can select their favorite ⭐️ pages to appear on the bottom menu bar. This change allows users to have commonly used information at just one touch but leaves a place for accessing less used, but still useful pages. #Boating #SignalK #AvaloniaUI done in @avaloniaui and #dotnet.
#Skipper #Boating #SignalK #avaloniaui #dotnet
Little #Skipper update, user can finally delete any user made page and do copy of existing page. I've fixed few bugs, but have big one to go...if apps get loaded fist page doesn't show any data. This will be fixed in next commit. #SignalK #Boating #AvaloniaUI
#Skipper #SignalK #Boating #avaloniaui
My boat is currently out of the water as we have winter season here. My boat system doesn't have a winter break, it's guarding my boat 24/7, sending all the telemetry to my server. My server keeps me posted about any issues. The purple device in the picture is SH-ESP32 with Engine HAT by @mairas. This little guy is measuring temperatures, reading engine RPM and reading batteries' voltage (very important). #Boating #SignalK #SensESP #esp32 @sunseeker27
#Boating #SignalK #sensesp #esp32
Today I've finished the installation of Smart Gauge on my friend's boat. The whole system consists of 3 Raspberry Pis, one SH-ESP32 by @mairas and it all works nicely. Now we'll have to do some water trials to be sure everything works fine. #Boating #SignalK #AvaloniaUI #Bayliner
#Boating #SignalK #avaloniaui #bayliner
Finally, I was able to get my environment sensor installed on the boat. It's #M5stack Atom with BME280 and SHT40 sensors. It's sending data (temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure) into #SignalK server. #Boating #Fun #IoT #ESP32 #SensESP
#M5stack #SignalK #Boating #Fun #IoT #esp32 #sensesp
This guy is working again! The issue was with the negative terminal got too loose in the wiring box, had to crimp a new wire terminal. #boating #electrical #winterseason @sunseeker27
#Boating #electrical #winterseason