At the sight of in his paroxysm it is said that once a hundred of Medb's warriors fell dead from horror. A part of his rage distortion presented itself thus: `There were seen the lights of and the rain clouds of venom and the sparks of red fire in the clouds and in vapors above his head, from the boiling of the truly fierce anger that had risen in the air above him.`
Source: Helmut Birkhan ``
RT @arakhnos
@milhistbuff3 Thomas Kinsella died last week at the age of 93. I will always treasure his translation of the Tain, and the battle rage of Cú Chul…

#cuchulainn #Bodb #Kelten

Last updated 2 years ago

transformed the into swans, cursing them to remain so for 900 years. Even the magic of her foster father Bodb Derg was not enough to undo the damage—although he turned his foster daughter into a demon of the air (in some versions, a crane) in retaliation for her action. But the Children of Lir were left as swans with human emotions and human voices to sing of their woes.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

When 's grandfather heard of what had done he transformed her into an air demon for eternity!

#Aoife #ChildrenofLir #celtic #mythology #folklore #Bodb #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

: The magical pig herders Rucht and Runce from the had fallen out. Turned into animals they fought each other in the shape of two birds of prey above the palaces of their former lords: 1 year over that of of the síd in , another over that of of the síd ar Femen.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #otherworld #Ochall #Rathcroghan #Bodb #irland

Last updated 2 years ago

: The `s sword comes from . No one escaped it when it was drawn from 's scabbard, & no one could resist it. The goddess Bodb is the allegory of divine sovereignty, while Nuada embodies royal power.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux


King and his of Light -

#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Nuada #Findias #Bodb #Druiden #famous #sword #mythology

Last updated 2 years ago