Idea: support group for people who want to get more active together but aren't Intense about it or want to run marathons and shit because our childhood traumas made us very conflict avoidant
#conflictscaresme #conflictavoidance #adhd #ImposterSyndrome #AuDHD #bodydoubling #bodydouble #actuallyautistic #autistic #autisticadult #neurodivergent
#conflictscaresme #conflictavoidance #adhd #ImposterSyndrome #AuDHD #bodydoubling #BodyDouble #actuallyautistic #Autistic #autisticadult #neurodivergent
@Uniflame @bodydouble #BodyDouble got bed remade, went to store, clothes in the washer, almost ready to power through the workweek after a shower and some sleep. Oh, and I must not forget to throw the clothes in the dryer 🔥
#BodyDouble Sunday. I need to get things done. Making myself accountable here. Join in with the tag if you also need to do things. I will report back later 😬 #AuDHD oops forgot @bodydouble
#BodyDouble Sunday. I need to get things done. Making myself accountable here. Join in with the tag if you also need to do things. I will report back later 😬 #AuDHD
I remember on a server there was a #BodyDouble room and wondering if a BodyDouble hashtag would be useful or maybe even @bodydouble
I rewatched #BodyDouble last night and it occurred to me that maybe a whole lot of it is a narrative Jake Scully has invented to justify his own perversions to himself. I've been doing some research to see if anyone has written about this before and come up short - anyone heard this or had this thought before? Any articles / reviews you can link me to? Most seem to consider him "actually nice" where it reads to me as - that's how he sees himself and so he has to justify his desire to watch.
#Americans Ask If #Biden Has #BodyDouble After Face Looks Totally Different in 2 Different Vids Posted on Same Day..